is the newly appointed head constable, from Wu Dalang's family. < > 。”。"/>
lt;Wuchangao Golden

lt;Wuchangao Golden

author:The Great Song Dynas
state:in the series
update:(2024-10-23 12:28:46)

In the absence of the possibility for ordinary people,Now the imperial court is corrupt, with treacherous officials in power, and the people are displaced and suffering. 。Although we are commoners, as men, we should stand tall and achieve extraordinary feats! If the sky is dark, we will clear the clouds and let the light shine through! If the land is dry, we will water it and fertilize it, so that plants can take root and sprout. 。"Wu Chao's words are profound. Wu Shu, at his current level, doesn't quite understand them yet." 。But he knew that his elder brother was far-sighted and righteous!Wu Shuo looked at Wu Chao with a resolute expression: "Brother, from now on, Wu Shuo will never oppose any of your decisions! If you have any orders, just tell your younger brother to do it!"Although Wu Chao became the first chief officer, his salary was not low, but it was impossible to become rich relying on this salary. 。He hired two sturdy and honest older women to help Kao Chin-Lien make cakes at home, and then sold the cakes to the restaurants. 。Before, Wu Chao was just a cook selling pancakes, Wu Dalang. But now he has an official position, the First Officer though not an official, but a civil servant. 。But even in Yanggu County, he was a notable figure. The officials there could be counted on one hand. 。,However, Wu Chao's days grew increasingly prosperous, while others were facing increasing hardship!Ximen He arrived at the Lion's Tower as usual, where a few fox friends were already waiting 。He had just entered the room, when his next-door neighbor Song Zi Xu greeted Ximen He eagerly. 。"Lord Ximen, come quickly, come quickly! Today, you're in for a treat!" 。Just now, the owner of the restaurant told us that they have a new type of scallion pancake, which tastes very good. 。Ximen Hu, feeling bored and disheartened, sat down. For this Gao Jinlian, he had lost both wife and money – a total of seven or eight hundred thousand silver taels. Even his own wife had been humiliated by bandits. 。Although his buddies weren't saying anything, he felt like they were looking at him in a way that really bothered him. 。At this moment, the shopkeeper brought in a bamboo tray piled high with ten or so fragrant scallion pancakes. 。Xi Menhe grabbed one and took two bites, instantly feeling the aroma of onions in his mouth. 。And the layer upon layer of crispness made him nod repeatedly. He addressed the shop assistant and said, "This scallion pancake is indeed delicious. Which chef in your establishment made it" "In response to Lord Ximen," the shop assistant replied, "this scallion pancake was not made by any chef in our..." 。< >is the newly appointed head constable, from Wu Dalang's family. < > 。”。