Ephemeral clouds and works

Chapter 115: Return to the Tiger Clan


nymore, so he left the ward at ease.As soon as Qiao Laodi was gone, the night shift doctor came over. He listened to Lianyi's chest with a stethoscope and asked her to describe her symptoms. Then he s...Ripple spent the second month of the abundant season with the peacock clan, and when it was time for her to leave, the clan members were very reluctant to part ways, especially the female beastmen. Mainly because after dyeing the peacock-colored linen cloth, Ripple had specially designed a long dress for the shaman, which was very simple and elegant, and the shaman loved it very much.

The female peacocks' pursuit of beauty reached a new height. Using the ripple design of their long skirts as a template, they invented many new styles. Because there was not much dyed hemp fabric available, and they were still searching for dyes, their results were limited. However, even so, this opened up a new way of thinking for them in terms of pursuing beauty.

As she was leaving, Ripples also took the time to remind me:

"The Silbird Clan makes hemp cloth. You can trade dyed hemp cloth with them, and in return, get hemp cloth that has been dyed. This dyed hemp cloth can then be traded with other beast clans."

The chieftain Dan nodded repeatedly, indicating that the proposal was good. He would have the shaman communicate with the shamans of the Silbird tribe.

Of course, when the group left, they also received a package of animal hides. They naturally had fruit powder and dyed hemp cloth, as well as peacock feathers unique to their clan, which could be used as decorations.

After leaving the peacock clan's territory, Lianyi looked at Nuan with her face full of crimson light and a large, pregnant belly. She spoke directly:

It's about time, let's go to the Tiger Clan now.

Warmed by the words, he paled slightly, reached down and patted his belly, then looked up and nodded firmly. The other three beastmen didn't object.

The ripple then spoke:

"Listen, this time it's to clear your name. You are not fit to enter the Tiger Clan territory with us. Just wait outside for now, and I will call you when you can come in."

If you join us, entering the Tiger Clan territory is to stand against the Tiger Clan Chief and Shaman. This will not help matters moving forward.

He nodded in assent, his expression unchanging. For this day, he had endured so much frustration, unable to return home. Now, he could finally go back openly and without reservation. This period of waiting was nothing compared to the relief he felt.

Don't just wander around outside. Catch more prey. You know how to preserve meat, right Otherwise, when you get back to the tribe, what will you use to feed Warmth

This time the head nodding is faster.

Ripple was pleased with his attitude and turned towards the warmth:

"This time, our excuse for entering the Tiger Tribe's territory was because we saved you from being taken by a bird. Because you were injured at the time, we couldn't immediately send you back to the Tiger Tribe. After you recovered your health in the Peacock Tribe, we escorted you back to your tribe. After all, you are a precious female! Do you understand what I mean"

Initially, the words of the tiger tribe beastmen who tracked them gave Ripples an idea and helped her rationalize the whole situation.

As for the shaman of the peacock clan, she was naturally persuaded by her designed long dress. Besides, warmth is indeed what the peacock clan practiced for a month, it's just that this time came earlier than expected.

"Don't worry, messenger, I understand!"

With a warm countenance, he nodded firmly.

Okay, let's go!

This time, they circled around before heading towards the tiger tribe's territory. They didn't take the same route they came from, so naturally, they missed out on encountering Xiaoce who had gone out to find warmth.

That day, he didn't feel warm and just felt off. As time passed, he felt like a stone was pressing on his chest. But the season of abundance was here for the beastmen, the time to store food. If they didn't store enough at this time, it would be very difficult to get through the rainy season and the cold season.

As the son of the chieftain, he was unable to split his attention and continue searching for warmth. It wasn't until the last month of the harvest season that he finally stepped away, leading three close relatives from his clan out of the tiger tribe's territory and embarking on a journey to find warmth.

Although everyone in the tribe believed that Wen Nuan, who had left on his own, must have been killed, Xiao felt that the other party was still alive. In addition to Wen Nuan's previous pursuit of him, he proposed to go out and look for Wen Nuan. The tribe members were not surprised. Only Qitian, who knew the truth, had a sarcastic sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Because she helped Warmth leave the tribe, Xiao intentionally ostracized her followers. Already two of her followers have left her, and now only one follower named Wen, a black tiger beastman, remains by her side, steadfastly loyal.

The sunny weather didn't make the departing followers any less regrettable to the two who stayed. For them to abandon themselves under the pressure of this tribe leader's son, what if they partnered with someone in the future and for the sake of flattering the tribe leader's son, even abandoned her as a partner

Looking back, although she's a little thinner, her beast form is fast and she doesn't fall behind other orcs when hunting. Most importantly, she puts him first, even if he's ostracized, she never thought about leaving him. Just that point makes her happy. She decided to wait until the harvest season ends and winter comes before making a bond with Wen. During this time, she can observe him further.

And she believed that warmth would be fine, that belief was what supported her all along. If warmth really happened something bad, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

Just shortly after Fengji left, as his last month in the tribe was drawing to a close, Qitian ended his self-reproach. Because of the warmth of carrying a child, he was unexpectedly sent back to the Tiger Clan by the deity.

Before entering the territory of the Tiger Clan, Ripple took a petal bath to warm herself and cleanse her aura. Only then did she formally enter the territory of the Tiger Clan.

The warm return attracted the attention of her kin, especially the females. They looked at her noticeably swollen belly with a strange gleam in their eyes. This child was born after Warmth was forced by Wei, who had already been banished from the tiger clan. The birth of this cub was unwelcome.

At this time, ripples saw the Tiger Clan's chieftain and the accompanying shaman. The chieftain's face changed for a moment before returning to normal, and he kept thanking ripples profusely.

While the shaman was on one side, holding Warmth's hand, she began to check her body. Warmth would be giving birth in no time.

Then the chief asked about how Ripples had saved Nuan. This time, Nuan spoke up, briefly recounting what had happened. Then, she changed the subject, addressing the chief, the shaman, and Ripples:

"Chief, please forgive my sudden departure. I feared that if I stayed, I would be killed, and Wei's innocence would never be cleared."

As soon as these words were spoken, the Chief's face truly turned ugly.

"Warmth, because you were forced to leave the Tiger Clan, and now you say that the one who forced you was yourself. You are saying he is innocent now What does this mean"

"What does that mean Should the chief ask your good son, Xiao, about it! I risked my life to flee the tribe because your son tried every way to force me to abort this cub."

Because he knew very well, as soon as this cub was born, all the lies would be exposed, because in the entire Tiger Clan, only the Clan Leader and Xiao are white tigers!


The chieftain's pupils contracted, his tiger claws slammed onto the ground, shattering a stone beside him. Silence fell over the cave.

The ripples remained silent, only sipping water from his stone cup. Meanwhile, the tiger tribe shaman frowned deeply because he had confirmed that the cub in her belly was indeed a male white tiger cub.frankly."Yun Ru Bin is beyond my scope of help."The ripples waved goodbye.Fortunately, Du led was greedy and didn't immediately refine Yang He's luck, otherwise it would be impossible to return it to...