Ephemeral clouds and works

Chapter 1198 Or Can Also Be Obtained


rson, genuine and kind. Plus, his father's status is advantageous to us.""Besides, since everyone in Fushan Village works for the construction team, I wouldn't need to hire anyone else. They would def...At that moment, Jin Yuanqing was behind the officer's tent. He heard Lianri's words and twitched his lips, but when he heard Lianri's next sentence, the expression on his face softened considerably.

"However, it's understandable that Instructor Jin is injured."

"Oh How did you tell he was injured"

Zheng Ran asked with great interest.

When we sparred, Instructor Jin always used his left arm to block and his right side of the body would instinctively move out of the way of attacks. His right hand constantly protected the area below his ribs.

Ripple explained.

"Good, you observe very carefully. You possess the basic attentiveness and vigilance needed to become an agent."

Zheng Ran smiled and praised, he had to admit, Jin Yuanqing was really lucky this time, he actually found a gem.

Thank you for the compliment.

"Since you already have a foundation, training with classmates would be a waste of time. I'd like to use this time to give you professional training instead. What do you think"

Zheng Ran said in a negotiating tone.

Liàn Yī felt that the person in front of her was still quite anxious, but she didn't want to disrupt her own rhythm. After thinking for a moment, she directly said:

“Instructor Zheng, my main role is still that of a student. Even if I join your task force in the future, it’s best to keep the number of people who know about it as small as possible. Especially now, I am still the center of attention among my classmates. Leaving now would easily attract their attention and create problems for the future. Additionally, it would be detrimental to my relationship with my classmates.”

Zheng Ran heard Lian Yi's words, his face remained unchanged, but in his heart he was even more satisfied. Just now, when he said that, it was actually somewhat urgent. He also wanted to test Lian Yi, but unexpectedly, she was calmer than them.

"Xing Tongxue, you are right. A stable emotional state, rational judgment, and excellent comprehensive analysis ability will all be your plus points."

"Thank you, instructor! I'll go back now. If my classmates ask, how should I answer"

You can tell your classmates that because Instructor Jin wasn't strict enough, it almost caused an accident for them, so he was put in confinement.

As his superior, I specially came to thank you for your intervention and would like to have Instructor Jin apologize to Ms. Qian Luoxi, the person involved.


“Okay, you can go back now!”


After the ripples subsided, Jin Yuanqing crawled out from behind the tent.

Have you gone to apologize yet

Zheng Ran smiled and asked.

"Well, apologize in front of all the classmates."

Jin Yuanqing scratched his cheek and said, all traces of his aloofness gone.

Just as the ripples from his earlier mishap were fading, he was called away to apologize. After receiving forgiveness, he immediately turned back, eager to see if Mr. Fox had persuaded the young girl.

He was indeed called back by his superiors and reprimanded for improper military training. He was confined to his quarters for three days, and after that, he rushed to find Zheng Ran.

Then, he reported the situation of the ripples upwards, calling it discovering a rough gem. This indirectly completed the task of finding talent, so Jinyuan anxiously awaited the results.

"In the future, you need to be more careful. Our work cannot afford any mistakes. Remember that even a tiny oversight can lead to the failure of the entire mission. I hope you learn from this."

Zheng Ran put away his smile and said seriously.

"Yes, this time it was my problem. I will adjust well and will definitely not make the same mistake again."

Jin Yuanqing bowed deeply and replied loudly.

"So... what did Xing Lianyi say"

Jin Yuanqing was still unwilling to give up and asked.

She agreed, but she didn't want to worry her family, and she didn't want to completely cut off from her classmates. I thought we could wait until school was on winter break before sending her to the training camp. In the meantime, we can do a thorough background check on her.

After the review is passed, we still have to submit an application report to the squad. You think absorbing a new recruit is that easy.

Zheng Ran said angrily.

"Yes, thank you for your trouble."

Jin Yuanqing immediately plastered on a fawning smile and sauntered over.

"I know you're anxious, the last mission cost us so many people. We'll get this back one way or another."

Don't put too much pressure on yourself, take good care of your injury first. Wait until your body is completely healed before starting rehabilitation training. If you want to go to the front line, you must bring your physical condition to its peak, otherwise it will be useless!

This is my bottom line, and it's also the captain's.

Zheng Ran was still not at ease with Jin Yuanqing and emphasized it again.

"Deputy Zheng, I understand your good intentions. I will definitely take revenge personally, but all of this is based on ensuring the mission's completion."

Jin Yuanqing also solemnly promised.

Here, the two of them were communicating well by borrowing ripples, and on the other side, when Ripples went back, she was also surrounded by her roommates.

"Ripple Sister, did they give you a hard time"

Chan Lok-kei was the first to speak.

They didn't make things difficult for me. Golden Officer's superiors came to thank me, and they said that Golden Officer came to apologize to you.

Ripples gazed at Qianluo Creek and said.

"Well, you had just been called away and Instructor Jin came to us here and apologized to me face-to-face. I've forgiven him already, and I told them not to target you."

"Chan Lok-kei immediately said."

"That's good, it seems they handled things fairly. And I heard from Instructor Zheng that Instructor Jin has been put in confinement."

The ripples lowered their voice and said.


“It must be true, Instructor Jin didn't disappear for a week!”

Zhao Xiner also lowered her voice and said.

Upon hearing this, the five of them looked at each other, their eyes filled with a mixture of excitement and schadenfreude. They couldn't believe that even their high and mighty Drill Instructor Gold, who had always put them through hell, was now facing confinement.

Although it's a bit unkind, I feel kind of happy after hearing it.

"Qian Luo Xi also whispered."

"Why does he have to make things difficult for our class We're all freshmen, and we're all going through the same military training. Why is he only targeting our class"

Sun GuoGuo also raised an eyebrow and said.

"Stop complaining, anyway, Jin the drill instructor won't be here anymore. We'll be doing the same training as the other classes. This military training is almost halfway over, just keep going."

Zhao Xiner immediately smoothed things over and winked at Lianyi.

Just keep going, everyone! Once boot camp is over, we'll start classes. I bet we won't have a chance to train like this again afterwards.

The ripples replied very cooperatively.

After five people chatted for a few words, they started giving Lian Yi special training, saying that if someone's punches weren't good enough in military boxing, they would drag down the whole class.

Over the next half month, everyone trained very seriously and even went to a shooting range. They all got to experience shooting guns, and everyone was very excited. Although each person only had five bullets, that was already much better than other schools.

In order to hide her true abilities, Lian Yi acted mediocrely. After all, she had never had the opportunity to handle firearms in her original life, so she guaranteed that she hadn't missed any shots, only achieving a score of seventeen rings, which was considered quite poor. This left Jin Yuan Qinghai slightly disappointed, but he could still accept it.

A month later, all the freshmen hopped back onto the military trucks and rattled their way back to school. They returned just in time for the seniors' start of term. They even had a military training report to showcase their achievements. So, even though she was back at school, Lianyi didn't get a chance to go home. to play with, at least she's a college student. It sounds better than nothing when you tell people about it.Li Gang saw what the other person was thinking and this time, he didn't say much. All he wa...