Ephemeral clouds and works

Chapter 391: Spiritual Purgatory 2


hen looked over. Although Yingying blocked the heaviest blow aimed at the baby, the child's pulse was still injured. She dared not treat it, so she could only keep the baby in a sleeping state.But the...Sharon had been asleep for a while. Though her complexion was still pale, a faint smile graced her lips.

"Okay, we can go now."

The ripples spoke to the Chinese-American police officer. Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

"Oh! Good!"

Officer Johnny Lee listened and watched the whole thing, but he didn't understand anything.

"Miss Wu, thank you for everything you've done for my daughter."

Sharon's mother expressed her heartfelt gratitude.

"You're welcome. That's why I came here."

After politely bidding farewell, Liàn Yī went to the police station with the officer. After going through a few procedures, she received a evidence bag.

"Ms. Wu, if you need anything else, please feel free to contact me."

Johnny politely left his contact information.

"Thank you. Please ask Officer Li to keep an eye out for a Chinese man who will be sent to the emergency room tomorrow. He will fall into a deep coma without reason."

Liàn yī smiled and sent Feng Junyì's photo to the Chinese-American male officer.

"Okay, I will keep an eye on it."

The man sent ripples to the hotel closest to the police station, then returned along the same route. He was going to report to his superiors about his encounter with Ms. Wu today.

And as the ripples entered the hotel room, the first thing she did was put up a barrier on the door, then took out an evidence bag. Inside was a test tube with a cotton swab inside.

Ripples raised her hand and drew a formation in mid-air. Then, she placed the cotton swab inside it. After the formation completely engulfed the swab, she pulled out her dagger and released a strand of pure demonic energy, which she then introduced into the heart of the formation.

A brilliant light flashed from the pattern, followed by its swift exit through the hotel window, vanishing into the thick darkness.

Feng Junyi, who is still living a carefree life in a high-end apartment, remains unfazed despite his family's downfall. Although his family business has collapsed, it left him with ample wealth to spend.

Guo Huai wouldn't let him leave the house, so he stayed inside. But even with money, he could still find like-minded companions. In this apartment building, a private party was underway.

In a bedroom on the second floor, Feng Juni was at a crucial moment. No one noticed as a golden wheel with a black tail shot into the room and accurately entered Feng Juni's body.

The next second, his body stiffened and he fainted directly, falling onto the woman's stomach.

At first, the woman thought Feng Junyi was joking with her, so she pushed him twice. When he didn't react at all, she realized something was wrong. She pushed Feng Junyi away from her and found that he was bleeding from all seven orifices and had fainted. Her body was covered in his blood, and she screamed in shock.

The bodyguard rushed into the room upon hearing the cries, and immediately saw Feng Junyi bleeding profusely. They quickly went to check on him and controlled the woman inside the room.

It's a pity that this situation can't be handled by bodyguards now, and Feng Junyi's bleeding hasn't stopped. If it continues, someone will definitely die. They had no choice but to call an ambulance and take Feng Junyi to the hospital.

After Feng Junyi was admitted to the hospital, his bleeding stopped, but he fell into a deep coma for an unknown reason.

When Johnny Lee received the message from the hospital, he was shocked. He felt that Ms. Wu was even more mysterious, but he still dutifully informed her.

Could you please ask Officer Li to accompany me to visit the patient

Of course.

Then Johnny Li went to the hotel to pick up Wu Lianyi and accompanied her to visit Feng Junyi who was lying in the hospital bed.

The bodyguards were only responsible for Feng Junyi's safety. After confirming that the beautiful Eastern woman posed no threat, they readily let her go, of course Johnny was left outside.

"I'll be out shortly, please wait a moment."

R ripples smiled and said.


Lián Yī entered the VIP single room and saw Feng Jùnyì in person.

Compared to the photo, Feng Junyi has lost a significant amount of weight. There's a hint of darkness between his brows, making him look quite sinister. His dark circles are evident signs of his overindulgence.

With graceful movements, Lian Ri drew out a white handkerchief from her sleeve and then feigned wiping her eyes. She shielded her lips with the handkerchief and, in a voice like a half-dream, spoke to Feng Junyi who lay on the bed, his body filled with tubes:

“I know you can hear me, and I see how hard you're trying to wake up. So let me tell you this: don't struggle in vain. I came here on a mission from the Mage Association to punish you."

All those innocent lives that slipped through your hands, the countless victims of injustice within a decade—you will experience every single one. And while you are conscious, they will play on repeat in your mind, over and over again. Believe me, you will never have the chance to become numb; it will only get deeper and more soul-shattering with each repetition.

As soon as the ripples of sound fell, the person lying in bed with their eyes closed immediately began to twitch, as if trying to wake up.

Here is your translation:"Accept this hell I've forged for you." Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Liàn Yī raised her hand and clasped Fēng Jùnyì's hand, which was hanging limply at his side. She seemed to be muttering something to herself. In their clasped hands lay the Xiāngyún Yùsuǐ. At this moment, all of the dark memories sealed within the jade were poured into Fēng Jùnyì's body.

After the jade marrow was emptied, ripples took the jade marrow into space the moment her hand loosened. Then she gently brushed Feng Junyi's forehead with her handkerchief, sending a soul seal into his forehead with ease.

The moment the seal fell, Feng Junyi's eyeballs stopped moving. His entire consciousness was imprisoned within his body, and he himself became one of those victims.

Being beaten and kicked was nothing compared to this. The rope, the fruit knife, the ashtray, the vase, the golf club - all the weapons he had ever used against others were now being turned on him. He was repeatedly strangled, choked, stabbed, different deaths playing out on his body over and over again, each time more painful than the last. The pain was so intense that his very soul trembled.

Feng Juniyi was roaring, howling, cursing, begging, but unfortunately no one could hear his voice. In his ears, however, a woman's cold voice kept echoing:

"Feng Junyi, I wish you a long life, forever living in this hell."

"No!!! Please kill me! Kill me!!!"

The ripples had already withdrawn her handkerchief and, under the gaze of the bodyguards, left the ward to find the hospital director.

"Hello, Dean."

"Hello, Ms. Wu! Is there anything I can help you with"

"Of course, Mr. Feng Juniyi may have fallen into a deep coma for unknown reasons, but as the only son of the Feng family, we don't want to give up on him. We hope your hospital can maintain his vital signs, and we want to wait for a miracle to happen."

The ripples said in a sorrowful tone.

Of course, we also hold the same hope in this regard. Without finding a cause, it proves that it's not due to his own physical condition; perhaps it's a mental issue. One day in the future, he will definitely have the possibility of waking up.

The yard was happy to accept such a request, after all, the other party was the one paying.

"This is Mr. Feng's account. As long as he is alive, the esteemed institution will receive the corresponding medical expenses every month, as well as an additional donation."

Liàn Yī readily told the dean Feng Junyi's bank account information without any psychological burden.

"Please rest assured, we will do everything we can to ensure Mr. Feng's vital signs remain stable."nty, as well as those who had colluded with the Mongols for personal gain. He completely eliminated them all in one fell swoop.Moreover, along the human trafficking route of "Fengqi Wutong," the dark...