Ephemeral clouds and works

Chapter 646: Guiding Lantern (Warlord Saga Concluded)


his head and said:"I'm willing to give it a try.""I told you my vision was good, I would never get the wrong person."Bai Tong threw her dagger, a hint of a smile appearing on her gloomy face.What do...Three days later, Lian Yi appeared on the front lines in military uniform. Her eyes were bright, and she calmly commanded the battle, launching a full-scale counterattack. This time, she gave a death order: if an invader's life could be spared, it would be spared. As invaders, they must be prepared to face defeat and death.

At the same time, Mu Zongqing and his daughter Tong-Ping started their counterattack. After four years of preparation, all deployments were complete. Now, it was time to consolidate their lines and steadily push back the invaders.

The final battle of the Northern and Southern War mobilized over two million soldiers, decisively driving out the D nation invaders. This left a profound mark on Xia nation's history.

Although the war was won, what awaited the entire Xia Kingdom was the need to rebuild its mountains and rivers, a rapidly recovering economy, and the people's basic needs for food, clothing, housing, etc.

The ripples brought a team of guards back to Nanning quickly, where they met with Duan Qirui. They established the new government in Nanning, and Duan Qirui became the first president.

Liàn Yī was in charge of the entire country's military forces, becoming a general in every sense of the word. The Duan family generals who went abroad with her for their studies, after being tempered by blood and fire, were all capable of standing on their own and guarding the four directions. Xia Guo entered a period of recuperation and growth. Liàn Yī formulated five ten-year plans to step by step promote the development of Xia Guo.

Duan Zongqing had been fighting on various battlefields in his early years, and he already had injuries on his body. Besides that, postwar reconstruction wasn't his forte either. Naturally, it took a toll on him both mentally and physically. After passing his sixtieth birthday, he died peacefully in his sleep.

And although Lian Ri remained unmarried her whole life, she devoted all her energy to the construction of Xia Guo, becoming a role model for millions of women in Xia Guo. When she stepped down from the position of Great General due to blindness, she had already cultivated and promoted her successor, ensuring a smooth transition of power.

Two years after her father's passing, Ripple had arranged everything and returned to the Time Management Bureau.

For the Xia Kingdom, they had lost the one who led them towards the light. The whole nation was in mourning, but at this time, a madwoman came out and shouted:

"The Duan family, father and daughter, should have died long ago! These achievements are not yours! Not yours! Hahaha!"

Then the woman was arrested on the spot, and people around her kept throwing stones at her. Even a madman cannot insult the person they hold most dear.

This madwoman was Yun Siyu. She ultimately died in her cell because even as a prisoner, she was not allowed to slander the late president and general.

When Yuanyun opened her eyes again, she saw the IV drip beside her. She was dazed for a long time and didn't speak. It wasn't until the nurse came to change her dressing that she realized she was awake and immediately said:

"Cloud Doctor, you're awake I went to find someone to check on you."

After a thorough check, Yun Siyu was sure she had returned to her original world after death. She wasn't sure if what she had experienced was real or fake, or just a dream.

"Cloud doctor, the small amount of bleeding in your brain has stopped and has been absorbed on its own. All that's left is to rest. You're very lucky."

Thank you, Dr. Liang!

Yun Si's rain-weakened voice uttered a feeble thank you.

After all her colleagues left, she still found her phone, charged it up, and then eagerly opened the network, searching for that year's events, and her eyes widened to the size of copper bells.

As shown above, Duan Zongqing was the first president of Xia Guo. His daughter, Duan Lianyi, was known as the "War God" of Xia Guo. Until her death, her reputation intimidated all sides, and the Xia Guo army inherited her fighting style, making surrounding countries fear them.

Then Yun Siyu trembled her hand and searched for her own name. Along with her name popped up Zhang Xuetao, and he was listed as a wild history figure. In this record, she was the one who disrupted the marriage between the Duan and Zhang families.

However, the one who bore more of the blame was Zhang Xuetao. If he hadn't lost control and even wanted to kill Duan's parents, he wouldn't have been manipulated by D-country forces and ultimately ended up being used against himself, blowing himself up and killing his own father.

With a thud, the phone dropped to the ground. Yunsiyu trembled all over. At this moment, she was certain that because of her butterfly, history had been changed entirely.

Looking at Yunsi's rain-streaked face, Lianri nodded in satisfaction. She should be allowed to live in fear.

"Ripple, this time your mission was completed beautifully, even ending the war ahead of schedule. So there's a reward for merit, congratulations!"

Shici's phoenix eyes narrowed into a slit as he smiled.

"Congratulations! This time, I'll take a few days to rest before taking on new tasks."

"No problem, since you just finished the previous task seamlessly, you can transition into this one. So you have eight days to rest, and you can start the new task after you're rested."

The ripples nodded and then vanished before the stone mill, returning to their own space.

When she opened her eyes again, the sensation was of dizziness, and then she uncontrollably sat down on the ground.

"Well, hello there, new face!"

"They're all greenhorns, and I don't know how many rounds they can last. I don't want to be burdened with them."

"The game rules, at the very least, ensure they survive one round before we get points. If they die immediately, we lose points instead. It's not worth it."

"That's it, just act as a nanny for a while. The points earned from that can be used to upgrade your equipment."

Listening to what they were saying, it seemed she was in no danger now. Ripples steadied herself and then climbed to her feet. Just as she was about to find a place to receive the original body's memories, a steady male voice came over:

"Where am I How did I get here"

"This is the game world. You can only return to your original world by completing the corresponding tasks. You'd better adapt as soon as possible, and when the task begins, don't hold us back."

A languid female voice spoke.

Only then did Lian Yi see that there were four people opposite her. One was a stunning woman in a black tight-fitting suit, with a knife and gun hanging from the belts on her thighs and waist respectively. She was looking at Lian Yi and the other three beside her with a smile that wasn't quite a smile.

The first man to speak must have been the one wearing the sleeveless jacket. He had on a pair of jeans and cowboy boots, with a large sword strapped to his back. His arms were bulging with muscle, and he had a thick beard. He definitely didn't look like someone you wanted to mess with.

Standing beside the man was a gaunt and sullen youth. He wore a suit of white armor and was using a sharp small knife to trim his nails. His eyes, which were excessively white, made people feel uncomfortable when he stared at them.

There was also a bald middle-aged man whose eyes were lingering on the ripples and the other girl beside her, as if looking at goods. Then he grinned at Ripples, revealing a mouthful of big yellow teeth, which made people feel sick.

The weapon he held in his hand was a crimson whip. Seeing Ripples looking over, he still boasted, striking it twice against his palm and speaking in a raspy voice:

"Rest assured, Young Master Song has got you covered. He will definitely ensure you pass the first round smoothly. All you two need to do is listen to him obediently."u asked directly."Wait.""Wait""Yes, we should have already become the targets of those behind the scenes. We just need to stay quiet and wait."Ripple said calmly."Once we enter the city, we must assem...