Ephemeral clouds and works

Chapter 685: Chain Reaction


nel to the capital base."Okay, thank you for your hard work! Please let us know if anything unusual happens."Over the next three days, almost all of the team members went out to gather information. Th...Having drained their savings to support their aging parents, this was a stark contrast to the situation where one would abandon their parents at the first sign of trouble. This left Old Master Song with a flushed face; he had just convinced the Song family elders to send them to live with his second son, claiming it was to avoid creditors coming to their door.

But now Song Dachuan's actions have slapped him hard, making him afraid to reveal even a word in front of the village head and elders.

Song Dachuan's manner made the sick old Mr. Song's face improve several points. When Lao Song saw the silver, his expression also eased considerably, saying that he wanted to keep Song Dachuan for a meal.

Song Dachuan didn't want to stay here. He had just seen that his elder brother, Song Dailu, had glared at him several times in secret. He wasn't stupid, and he also saw the neatly packed luggage prepared by Old Mrs. Song. He could guess what the family was planning to do.

At that moment, someone ran into Lao Song's courtyard and shouted through the door:

"Da Chuan, you should go home quickly. I heard from people who went to the town market that the man who came to Song Jia Village yesterday to collect debts, brought officials with him and headed for Zhang Jia Village. He might be going to your house!"


Song Dachuan suddenly stood up, his brows furrowed tightly. Then he took out a note he had already written from his bosom and asked Song Lao to press his seal. He also asked the village head and clan elders to sign their names beside it, proving that these five taels of silver were his Song Dachuan's filial piety money for his parents.

This time, both the village head and the elder signed. After all, when they divided the family property, Song Dachuan left with nothing. He didn't even want his share of the land, let alone money from it. Even if they converted his share into pension money, theoretically speaking, no one would have complained if he hadn't paid this time. Besides, it was Song Dashan who caused the trouble.

But Song Dachuan didn't say anything. He had emptied his parents' savings for this, it wasn't just a few hundred copper coins, it was five taels of silver! They had to do this certificate, otherwise it would disappoint their child.

Old Song's head also understood his son's concerns, so he readily pressed his handprint and said to his son:

"Da Chuan, you hurry back and take a look. You can't let those people ransack your house again."

"Father, rest assured. I brought all the silver from home. They won't find any silver, so just spare Mother and the two children."

"You're a filial child, you avoided those people, otherwise this silver would have gone to them for cheap."

The village head stroked his chin whiskers and said.

Song Dachuan received the note and said goodbye to everyone. He exchanged a few words with the people in the courtyard and then hurried toward Zhangjia Village. He even took a ride on a bullock cart along the way, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to return so quickly.

Having heard Song Dachu's words, everyone rejoiced that Song Dachu had reacted quickly, otherwise the five taels of silver would have been lost.

Then the Zhang family chatted for a while before helping Old Man Zhang and Mrs. Zhang back home.

Only when it was just Song Dachuan and his family did Lian Yi take out six taels of silver from her bosom, actually from space, which had been stored in the house.

Chang Hui-niang smiled and said:

Ripples, when did you hide

"When hugging Tiger."

After finishing, he pushed the silver and copper coins toward Zhang Huiniang, letting her take them.

"You keep it. In the future, I'll let you handle all the money."

Song Dachuan spoke directly.

Huzizi blinked his eyes and asked curiously:

"Sister, when did you hide Why didn't Tiger find you"

"By the time you discover it, the silver will have already been taken."

Ripple tapped Tiger's nose playfully and said with a smile.

"Sister, you're so amazing."

Huzi's idol's words.

"That's right, and don't you dare look at who her sister is."

She is the sister of the tiger!

Tiger immediately excitedly said.

The two siblings fought with each other.

Crisis averted, Song Dachuan and Zhang Huiniang also breathed a sigh of relief.

In the evening, Lian Yi directly asked Shi Ju:

Has the person sent by Mrs. Yao left

They are still searching the area and haven't left yet.

"It seems my butterfly wings have stirred up a big whirlwind."

In Kyoto, Madam Yao has arranged for Young Master Yao to depart and welcome the bride to Wangshan Town. He will also discreetly search for the lost evidence in private.

The stone mill immediately ventilated and reported.

“Understood! Once Dong Qinglian is married, we’ll send the evidence to Master Yao.”

A sleepless night, the next day was a brand new one. Song Dachuan's family started their busy day again. Both husband and wife were used to farm work and couldn't stay idle for long. Song Dachuan first helped Hui Niang tidy up the vegetable patch in the backyard.

When those people were searching for something, they didn't even spare the vegetable plots, pulling up all the grown vegetables and throwing them around haphazardly. The farmers couldn't stand to see food wasted, so Hui Niang gathered all the vegetables back. She ate some fresh, dried some into vegetable flakes, and pickled some into salted vegetables.

Her task was to take care of her younger brother, cook, and look after the chickens at home. It was a simple life. Every day, she would go up Bowl Mouth Mountain early in the morning, ostensibly to chop wood but actually to absorb spiritual energy points. She would then use this energy to nourish Tiger’s body when she returned.

Life was calm and leisurely, like ripples on a pond. In the blink of an eye, half of summer had passed. Word came back from Song Dachuan, who went to the town market, that the wedding procession for Young Master Yao had arrived at Wangshan Town.

"Father, Young Master Yao arrived quite early. I heard from the old nanny beside Miss Dong Er that the wedding date is after the autumn harvest."

Lianyi watched Tiger stroll leisurely in the yard, while talking to Song Dachuan.

"This wealthy family has many marriage celebrations, unlike our peasant families. I estimate Master Yao is worried about delays on the road, so he came early."

Song Dachuan said unconcernedly.

Her eyes flashed, then she smiled at Song Dachuan and said:

"Father, there's a temple fair in town in two days. Mother has been saying she wants to go and fulfill her vow. I thought we should all go together for the festivities, and while we're there, we could visit Dr. Pu at Puji Hall. He's an old doctor who sits there every day. Perhaps he could examine Tiger and see if his frail condition is improving."

After thinking for a moment, Song Dachuan said:

"I think this is a good idea, so I'll follow your lead. Let's leave a day early and stay overnight in town. We can go to the temple fair on the second day, and head back in the afternoon."

"Father is still thoughtful. He took the child to see a doctor on the first day, and then to the temple fair on the second day. He wasn't in a rush, and we could even go to the market."

Ripple smiled sweetly.

Because there were six taels of silver at home, Song Dachuan wasn't so pressed for time. He readily agreed to Lianyi's proposal.

Hui Niang was also very happy. Hu Zi was the happiest of all. Growing up, he had gone to the town very few times. Every time, he was fully armed and carried in his mother's arms to see a doctor. He couldn't see anything else. As soon as he heard about the temple fair, his eyes lit up with anticipation.

The next day, Song Dachuan took his family on a ox cart to the town. When villagers asked them about their destination, they all said they were going to see the doctor for Huzi. So the villagers didn't ask any further questions.

Upon arriving in town, the Lian family of four first went to book a lodging. At the Hongfu Inn, they got a medium-sized room, enough for their family of four. After putting down their belongings, they headed straight to Puji Hall with Huzi in their arms.

The ripples they went clever, sitting there was the old doctor Hong Tianqing of Puji Hall, there were many people in line. Ripples holding Tiger ran two steps and lined up in the queue, just got a number card. even know if I'm working with you, or we're just gathering intel together. Until the last minute, I won't know who I'll be collaborating with or what mission we'll be undertaking."Yang Bin spread his...