The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1391: Lackluster


ou an email about the development plan for our class's sports event. "As soon as Ye Fan heard Li Qiang's words, he understood what he meant. The day before yesterday, when sending Luo Xueyan home, Li...When the foolish girl arrived at Haikou, Ye Fan had already paid close attention to her. He even called Ye Qingcheng specifically and ordered him to definitely dispatch people along the road to ensure the safety of the foolish girl.

Actually, Ye Fan's intention was to have that person bring the silly girl to Linhai. Ye Fan was very confident in the silly girl's abilities. Besides him and the fat man, ordinary people wouldn't be a match for her.

But unexpectedly, I ran into the most elegant woman by the seaside.

Even if Ye Qingcheng came herself, the outcome would probably be the same. This time, Ye Fan blames no one; he only blames himself, for being too careless.

At the moment he was filled with remorse, his phone rang.

"Xiaofan, I've checked for you. There are 13 flights to Linhai today, with five already departed. Eight airports still have flights, and the closest airport is Deyun Airport, departing in ten minutes."

On the phone was Lu Chao's voice.

Thank you

Ye Fan was ecstatic. He hoped it wasn't too late. He briefly said something and then hung up on Luo Chao's call. He quickly dialed Fatty's number and told him to go to Deyun Airport immediately, without asking why.

Then he also turned his car around, speeding towards Deyun Airport like a bolt of lightning.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Chao couldn't help but smile wryly. It seemed that this time Ye Fan had really run into big trouble, actually hanging up before he could finish his words.

"Let's just be a good person all the way."

Lo Chao thought for a moment, then dialed the director of the Aviation Administration.

When Guo Zisheng arrived at Deyun Airport, it was already eight minutes past. As soon as he got off the car, he hugged Shaonian and rushed to the airport security check without stopping.

"I'm sorry, sir, you can't cut in line."

A staff member saw Guo Zisheng, his mouth full of blood, running over with a beautiful girl and quickly stopped him.

"Fuck you"

Guo Zisheng kicked the worker with one foot and then directly took Silly Girl onto the plane by force.

Suddenly, a commotion arose within the airport. Several security guards rushed over, seeing Guo Zisheng, they shouted at him and tried to take action.

At this time, Guo Zisheng's driver finally arrived.

Besides being Guo Zisheng's companion, he also served as his bodyguard. Since Ah Biao and the others were gone, protecting Young Master Guo naturally fell to him.

"Everybody, stay put!" the man roared, then pulled out a stack of papers and declared, "We're from the Guo family group of Guangdong province. That over there is young master Guo! This De Yun airport belongs to our Guo family, and no one is allowed to leave."

Well-founded. Seeing these proofs, the security guards all looked at each other in astonishment. This Deyun Airport is a semi-private enterprise, and it's rumored that the shareholders are indeed from Hong Kong.

For a moment, none of them dared to make a move.

Guo Zisheng seized the opportunity and took large strides forward. He didn't care about anything else; he would pass the security check first and then worry about the rest.

In fact, after the driver showed that proof, none of the staff here dared to block Guo Zisheng anymore. They all waved green lights for Guo Zisheng, joking, who would dare offend the son of the biggest shareholder

Guo Zisheng wasn't polite either. After getting on the plane, he directly asked the pilot to take off. He did this to prevent any unforeseen circumstances and make preparations early.

But the captain, instead, was wearing a grim expression and told him that the air traffic control had just received an order from higher ups stating that all flights were grounded. That meant their flight would be delayed.

Guo Zisheng was furious. To him, staying in Linhai for even one more second was agonizing. If he stayed any longer, who knew what could happen next

So Guo Zisheng, in a fit of desperation, pulled out his gun from his waist and pointed it at the long head of the ship, snarling: "Think carefully, if you don't set sail now, I'll blow your brains out."

The captain never expected that this young master would be so crazy, carrying a gun with him and even pointing it at his own head. What did he want to do Was he trying to hijack the plane

After the last life-and-death test, Guo Zisheng always carried a gun with him as a precaution. He never expected it would come in handy now.

However, this tactic undoubtedly worked. Although the captain had a thousand unwillingnesses, for his own life, he still had to choose to obey orders.

So that plane took off without any warning. All the passengers were stunned, staring blankly at the departing aircraft. They hadn't even boarded yet! How could the plane take off before they got on

In fact, the whole plane only had Guo Zisheng as a passenger.

"I'm going to complain about this airline," one passenger exclaimed.

"That's right, the flight was delayed, and now it's suddenly taking off again. They refuse to carry passengers but are still selling tickets. This is blatant consumer deception!"

"You guys know what this is called money-making, it's a tactic used by their airline company. Luckily I discovered it, I will definitely sue them in court."

The crowd, filled with anger, one by one voiced their opinions and demanded an explanation from the airline, threatening to sue if they didn't receive one.

Now, the airline staff are completely overwhelmed and no one is coming out to explain because they themselves don't know what happened. They can't even get in touch with the plane that suddenly took off, so how dare they face the increasingly agitated passengers

So they had no choice but to avoid it, one by one calling the tower to confirm, but unexpectedly the tower was also unaware. They could only personally call the plane, but what made them miserable was that the pilot's phone was actually unreachable.

What on earth is going on Did the pilot hijack the plane They were all shocked and hurriedly reported the incident, because they couldn't afford to take responsibility for it.

The head of the Aviation Bureau is named Huang Shengtian. He's a slick character who has worked in aviation maintenance for over 30 years. Finally, he made it to his current position as the head of the Aviation Bureau – not an easy feat.

Huang Shengtian was leisurely drinking with his young wife when he received a call from an unknown number just as he raised his glass.

He originally wanted to refuse because the incoming call had no caller ID, indicating that the other party was not someone close to him.

But he still answered it, after all, he knew that not many people had his private phone number. He wanted to see who would call him at this number.

The phone call connected, and sure enough, it was a stranger's voice. Huang Shengtian suddenly felt disappointed and lost interest in continuing the conversation. He directly asked the other party what was the matter, then wanted to make excuses to hang up.

But when the other party explained that he was Luo Chao, Huang Shengtian was truly taken aback. The day before yesterday, he wouldn't have given Luo Chao a second thought, just an idle person, already stuck in a dead end of his career.nd I believe we'll have our answer soon."Yan Xiaoti looked at his grandson's determined expression, said nothing, and continued to write on the white paper. This time, was Wujiu right or wrongWang Qiu...