The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1396: A Chilling Cold Sweat >


Xin's teasing. This has been endured until now!"Little aunt... I... I'll help you wipe it..." Ye Fan said nervously, his heart pounding."No... I'll do it myself..." Si Kong Yanran numbly blocked Ye F..."Oh, I couldn't let you do that," the Dragon Girl said, feeling a bit embarrassed. "How could I ask you to do something like this"

"My two little ancestors, why don't you rest for a bit"

Lan Hai Kun was about to cry.

He seemed to have figured it out. These two young people were the spoiled children of rich families, always served by others. They probably had never experienced camping like this before.

Ye Fan and the Dragon Girl stared at each other, both seeing embarrassment in each other's eyes. They could only free their hands and let Lan Haikun handle it himself.

It seems Lan Hai Kun often goes camping and cooks in the wild. In just a while, he roasted two fragrant chickens that smelled delicious enough to be detected from dozens of meters away.

Ye Fan and Long Nü could be said to have had a feast. They had eaten many delicacies, mountain and sea treasures, and various barbecues before, but they had never tasted such pure, natural, and authentic farmhouse barbecue as today. And the taste was not ordinary at all. The two of them forgot everything else in front of them, only enjoying the delicious food.

After gobbling down the food in a frenzy, not long after, all of Lan Haikun's grilled fish, chicken, and skewers were consumed. The few people lay contentedly on the makeshift nets beds that Lan Haikun had made for them, rocking gently as they began to doze off.

Ye Fan suddenly felt that, in fact, it wasn't bad to just fish or play chess. That kind of life wouldn't be too exciting or dramatic, but it would be the most real and ordinary.

What has he done all these years for Isn't it just to kill his enemy If this time he could avenge his great revenge, then what would he do next

With his beautiful wife and concubine by his side, Ye Fan soared through the heavens, traveling across the seas. Just at this moment, he suddenly felt a desire to retire from the world.

As he swayed, Ye Fan gradually drifted off to sleep. He felt like he was having a dream, a dream he had longed for.

In his dream, he was with the Dragon Girl, Sister Yanran, and his many beloved women. They talked and laughed together, traveling the world freely.

Ye Fan only closed his eyes for about ten minutes, then woke up. During the mission period, he always needed to remain highly vigilant. No one knew if Miao Bingxin would come.

The moment Ye Fan opened his eyes, he seemed to see a pair of gentle, watery eyes staring at him motionless.

That was the gaze of a dragon girl.

Although Ye Fan woke up, his eyes immediately turned to look over. And the dragon girl also turned and walked away, but Ye Fan knew that was the dragon girl's gaze.

Among them were infatuated young men and women, Ye Fan felt a sharp pain in his heart.

He lived a life of unrestrained indulgence, never truly falling in love. Yet, he would inadvertently hurt those around him. This was true for the Dragon Girl and also for Murong Xue.

Ye Fan retracted his scattered thoughts. If possible, he hoped to compensate the dragon girl, really, no matter what she wanted.

The sun traveled from noon straight to sunset, and Ye Fan had waited for eight hours on this little island. Ye Fan was almost driven to the brink of collapse, but Miao Bingxin still hadn't appeared.

The Dragon Girl was also as uneasy as Ye Fan. After all, they couldn't afford to wait any longer. If they didn't see Miao Bingshen today, they would be even more passive.

In contrast to Blue Sea Kun, this old fellow was remarkably relaxed, always sporting a jovial grin. He'd often tease Ye Fan and the Dragon Girl with a few witty remarks. Although he hadn't caught a single fish all day, he wasn't discouraged at all. Instead, he seemed energized and even hummed a tune, almost as if he were about to break into a dance.

Ye Fan was truly puzzled, this old geezer was so gleefully excited about what.

As the sun began to set, there was no one else here besides the three of them.

Ye Fan couldn't help but feel a pang of anxiety. This feeling of having no foothold drove him crazy.

"Young people, you should be calm and not get too worked up."

Blue Sea Kun didn't seem to have any intention of packing up and leaving just because the sun was setting.

"For you it's enjoyment, for us it's an eternity."

Ye Fan said angrily, "This Lan Hai Kun is really talking without considering his own situation. If he had the same burden on his shoulders, I'm afraid he wouldn't be smiling like this."

Some things are destined, and you can't force them. Pack your things and come back tomorrow.

"Blue Hai Kun said with a look of seeing through the world, then began to get up and pack his things."

Ye Fan and the Dragon Girl looked at each other again, both seeing undisguised disappointment in each other's eyes.

"Could it really end like this Then all that hard work they put in under the scorching sun was for nothing"

But Lan Hai Kun, while they were stunned, had already filled the sack again, as if he was already making a decision for Ye Fan and them.

At this time, Ye Fan couldn't help but sigh and prepare to pack up his fishing gear.

Perhaps, as Lan Hai Kun said, some things are just destined not to be forced. However, they don't have much time left. If they still can't handle Miao Bingshen today, then perhaps Wu's plan will be unstoppable by anyone this time.

Now we can only hope on the old man, assassinate Mr. Wu!

But just as Ye Fan was packing his things and preparing to leave, he suddenly heard Lan Haikun let out a surprised exclamation.

Then came an incredible statement: “You guys are so lucky, the person you’ve been waiting for has arrived.”

Ye Fan and the Dragon Girl were both startled, hurriedly turning their heads to look in the direction Blue Hai Kun's finger pointed.

But it was a sight of an elderly man in military uniform on a nearby reef, his head bowed as he fished with an air of focused serenity.

"She is a woman"

Ye Fan was utterly astonished.

It wasn't that Miao Bingxin being a woman surprised him too much. His true surprise was that just a short while ago, he had glanced at that rock formation and it was completely empty. But now, after only a little while, someone had appeared there.

You have to know that it wasn't actually that far from Ye Fan. With Ye Fan's incredibly sharp hearing and perceptive abilities, he didn't detect anything at all.

This could only be one situation, that is, this person's martial arts skills are extremely high, so high that even Ye Fan didn't discover it.

If this person had just been attacking both Ye Fan and the Dragon Girl from behind, Ye Fan would have a cold sweat instantly running down his back.

Both Longnu and Ye Fan had serious expressions as they stared at Miao Bingxin. Their instincts told them that Miao Bingxin had deliberately made her entrance this way. In other words, Miao Bingxin had known they were here all along.

In contrast to Ye Fan and Longnv's expressions of astonishment, Lan Haikun seemed much more enthusiastic.

He burst into laughter and strode towards her, smiling at Miao Bingxin: “I’ve been waiting for you! It wasn’t easy, was it Let me introduce you to two people, my nephew and niece. They’re both fishing experts.”

As he said this, he waved to Ye Fan and the Dragon Girl. The old man looked smug as if he had won a five million lottery jackpot.

Ye Fan and the Dragon Girl had no choice but to bravely step forward. my little aunt found out, what could she do At most, she'd scold me.A low growl rumbled from his mouth. Ye Fan grabbed Lin Meixin's slender waist, spun around, and pressed her back against him. His l...