The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1441: Moon Above, Military Intelligence Leak


d that even Liu Jun, the Third Prince of the Liannan Dragon Gang, had five fingers chopped off by his father because of Ye Fan. Just thinking about it, Wang Hao couldn't help but tremble. He couldn't...The moon was high in the sky.

From the mountaintop viewing platform, gazing out at the distant city skyline, one can see twinkling lights scattered throughout.

But the villages a few miles down the mountainside were pitch black.

Near midnight, after a long day's work, most people had fallen into a sweet slumber. In the countryside, far behind the city in terms of development, who would still be awake at this hour

Within the Duan family manor, lanterns illuminated every corner. Except for Old Master Duan, everyone was wide awake and unable to sleep.

Everyone instinctively looked down the mountain, hoping to see the headlights of the approaching car sooner.

An hour ago, the eldest son of the Duan family called to say that he had gotten off the plane and was rushing towards the mountain villa.

This isn't the first time Duan Dashao has come home late at night.

After the second generation, no one else cared about him.

This time, everyone was highly focused on—or rather, paying attention to the person who came back with him.

Li Nanfang.

Compared to ordinary families, the Dali Duan clan differed from them in their particularly strong worldly insight at a certain level.

After so many years of韜光養晦, Dali Duan clan finally decided to transfer power north. However, they were willing to sacrifice Duan Xiangning, one of the four phoenixes of the Duan family, by having her marry Lu Hang, a member of the Lu family in Beijing.

Only by allowing the Duan family's power to shift north can they restore their family's former glory from the last century in China.

For this, the whole Li Duan family spared no effort and would stop at nothing.

However, to everyone's disappointment, Duan Xiangning, who was highly anticipated, proved utterly useless.


Just when Old Duan had also decided to abandon her, she gave him a big surprise — she became Li Nanshan's daughter-in-law.

Who is Li Nanfang


That's just scum.

Even though he had married Qixing Guild's Huanyin, he was still insatiable. In front of thousands of people and hundreds of reporters, he went too far. Not only did he want Helan Family's eldest daughter to be his mistress, but he also yearned for Yue Family's head, whose status was even higher.

Such a scoundrel, no matter where he goes, should be an outcast, despised by everyone.

However, behind Li Ren渣 stood a third force beyond the black and white forces: a gray power.

In simple terms, whoever gets Li Nanfang gets that gray power.

To this end, on June 10th, Duan Shuchang, taking the risk of offending the Yue and Helan families, appeared at the wedding of Li Nanfang and Huaye Shen according to information provided by Duan Xiangning.



It's best not to say anything.

All members of the Duan family have a deep taboo against this matter and never bring it up in front of others.

She would especially hate Duan Xiangning for providing information.

If that wretch hadn't provided "fake information," how could Lord Dalian have been so humiliated that day

This is also the main reason why Lao Wu dared to scold Lao Si in front of Lao Mian, and demanded most of the benefits.

Who could have thought that just when Lao Si and his wife were feeling ashamed and humiliated, the plot took another unexpected turn, a complete 180-degree change

Their beloved daughter, Duan Xiangning, called to say that she would be bringing Li Nanfang home today to visit her parents.

Damn it!

Mr. and Mrs. Duan Lao Si are still dizzy now.

They never could have dreamed that, with their "fallen flower and withered willow" daughter, she would be able to defeat Yue Zisheng, Hua Yeshen, and He Lan Xiaoxin, three shameless individuals, and make Li Nanfang so sought after.

Although Duan Shuchang received the message, he immediately and secretly headed north. He sent a message saying that Duan Xiangning was able to succeed because Li Ranzha lost his memory due to some incident and was deceived by her into becoming her husband.

But what's the point

The process is never as important as the result.

Thinking that their daughter had actually done such a great service to the Duan family, yesterday Lao Si's family, who had been scolded by Lao Wu's family like they were covered in dog blood, were now arrogant and strutting around with an air of coolness emanating from every pore.

If she didn't have to consider her own status and other people's feelings, she would definitely burst into laughter for three hundred times.

Some are happy, others are sad.

The couple of Duan Lao Si were so delighted, the couple of Duan Lao Wu would be incredibly sad — especially the family of Lao Wu, who wished they could jump up and strangle the family of Lao Si, who always looked at her with smugness.

He cursed silently in his heart: "Why didn't the plane, delayed by the weather, get struck by lightning and kill everyone on board"

Here it is!

Just as Lao Si was cursing in his heart, someone suddenly jumped up and shouted beside him.

She instinctively looked down at the road below.

Sure, there are a few bright spots, speeding towards us along the winding road.

"It's best to crash."

As the fifth brother cursed inwardly again, he looked toward the armchair on his left.

Duan Xiang, still with a plaster cast on his leg, sat on the grand chair as if he hadn't heard anyone shouting. He looked up at the viewing platform on top of the mountain, his expression blank.

Besides Old Duan, everyone else had to wait outside the manor gate, welcoming the arrival of the first-time bridegroom from the Duan family.

This is what Lao Tzu said.

No one, including Duan Xiang who was beaten by Li Ren渣, can defy this.

Of course, the Guangdong Chen family, who came to Dujia as guests, would certainly not be bound by this order.

But out of the very least courtesy, Chen Shunan still stayed by Duan Erdai's side, whispering and laughing with him.

Lao Chen was still quite puzzled.

I really don't understand what qualifications Duan Lao Si's son-in-law has to make the Duan family go to such great lengths.

He didn't yet know that Duan Xiangning's husband was Li Nanfang.

All I know is that he's a young man named Ye Shen.

After Li Renshu stepped onto Dali's land, he became Ye Shen.

It can only be Ye Shen.

This was also what Old Master specifically instructed, and no one dared to disobey.

So Chen Shunan didn't know that Ye Shen was Li Nanfang, which is quite normal.

Of course, even if Chen Shunan were truly interested in Ye Shen, he wouldn't proactively inquire about him.

He's only standing here putting on a show out of respect for his future in-laws.

Occasionally, he would also lift his head and look up at the viewing platform on top of the mountain, just like Duanyang.

Lao Chen had noticed it a long time ago: his precious daughter stood at the railing of the viewing platform, gazing out expectantly, like she was waiting for her beloved to appear.

“Alas, I hope the fish can get its wish. Your father has done everything he could. It's impossible to tie up that Duan Shuchang and bring him back to Lingnan, isn't it Sigh. This child is just as infatuated as her mother. I hope Fish can be calmer than her mother. Don’t learn from her mother who, when angered by me in the past, tried to poison me…”

Lao Chen sighed twice in succession. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shiver, and he didn't dare to think about it any further.

Old Chen never could have dreamed that what his daughter did in a fit of anger was far worse than what his wife had done years ago, when she almost poisoned him to death.

Chen Yuer didn't think there was anything wrong with doing so.

After that top-secret file was sent out, she not only didn't feel afraid, but rather felt like she was helping the Duan family.

To keep Duan Shuchang, the only heir of the third generation, as the head of the Duan family.

Otherwise, he could very well suddenly disappear and elope with Shen Yun to that scoundrel.

Besides, everything she leaked had been carefully revised.

On this side, the genius Chen Yuer, is absolutely sure that anyone who sees that file will conclude that it is real.

Hope Shen Yun doesn't love their country too much.

Otherwise, if she really took that thing seriously and surrendered it to the state, the outcome would be, well, very interesting.

Hey, hey, you really think I, Chen Yuer, would disregard national security for love

Where is King Duan

He could very well be driven to madness by that woman and make a fatal mistake.

So I did this to give him a heads-up, to prevent any major mistakes from happening later.


It's about time.

Those people should have received my email reminders as well.


"The moon is so beautiful."

Taking out her phone to glance at the time, Chen Yuer mumbled to herself, let out a contented sigh, and looked up at the moon.

She only cares about her and Duan Chuang Huang.

As for who the golden-bodied husband Duan Xiangning brought back, it's none of her business.

Ms. Chen Wu could stand on the mountaintop viewing platform, leaning on the railing to look far at his arrival, which already gave him face.

After a few minutes, three cars speeding from the city center arrived at the gates of the villa.

The lights below are even brighter.

She casually picked up the telescope hanging on the railing post and looked down.

In Duan Shuhong's room, as a soldier, it wouldn't be strange to find a high-powered infrared night vision telescope.

Chen Yu'er took the telescope over, not only to observe Duan Shuchang but also to observe her desired Qingjing.

Now this is very convenient to look at.

After slightly adjusting the focus of her spectacles and glancing down, Chen Yuer was taken aback: "Oh my, Old Duan actually came out to greet him in person. Just who is this Ye Shen fellow"

Bang, bang bang.

Faintly, there was the sound of a car door opening from below.

To Chen Yuer's surprise, she immediately pointed the telescope in that direction.

With the aid of a telescope, she could clearly see that the first person to jump out of the carriage was none other than Duan Shuchang, the object of her affections.

She thought Duan Shuchang looked even more handsome in his military uniform.

But even in casual clothes, Duan Shuhua is equally handsome.

Especially in his brows and eyes, there was an air of unrestrained joy that he couldn't quite conceal. It was the very demeanor of a man who had been touched by love.

When Chen Yuer saw this, her heart ached.

He hurriedly put down the telescope, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, muttering: "Emperor Chu, you will regret this. You won't be able to do this anymore soon, you'll be in turmoil."

When she opened her eyes again, a string of bright dots suddenly appeared in the distance, startlingly present in her field of vision.

"Oh, no way"

Chen Yu'er immediately froze, widening her eyes: "It's so fast to confirm that Emperor Shouchang leaked military secrets and acted promptly"

Having no time for anything else, she hurriedly picked up her phone and opened her email.

In her mailbox, the email she sent through special channels to Section Thirteen of Military Intelligence had just been opened forty-three seconds ago.

Although Unit Thirteen, known for its efficiency, is highly skilled, it's impossible to predict that Emperor Duan Chu would leak crucial military information and take swift action before an email is even opened.

"What's going on"

Chen Yuer was surprised, but also inexplicably panicked.

That string of highlights rushing towards us, there's no doubt about it, they are cars.

But also nobody can be sure if those cars came from the Duanjia Mountain Villa.

Chen Yuer's instincts told her that those cars were heading straight for them.

This, this isn't scientific at all.

“Unless, those intelligence people had already anticipated that I would leak secrets, no, that they had already anticipated the Emperor's Storing would do this, and were already prepared for war.”

Chen Yuer shook her head when her phone buzzed.

This is a notification from the system when there is a new email.

Without a shred of hesitation, Chen Yuer used the fastest speed to open the inbox.

An email from the military intelligence unit she works for.

Headline, Eye-Catching: "Military Parade Live-Fire Exercise Plan Leaked!"

Time, eighty-seven minutes ago.

Like the lustful aunt, please collect: () The fastest update speed of the lustful aunt.d body. Johnny, meanwhile, grabbed the Desert Eagle beside him, flung open the car door, and tried to get out.Because... he knew that staying in the car any longer would only lead to one outcome, deat...