The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1501: The Dragon Has Finally Appeared


ve my boldness... I see that these miners don't even have a complete set of clothes on their bodies, and their clothes are thin... How do they steal ore""Hidden in their bodies," Kunka grinned cruelly..."Yun's life is truly miserable."

After his father finished speaking, Shen Cun felt a bitterness in his mouth.

"Yes, life is hard for that child."

Shen Mingqing gently raised his hand again and placed it on the display screen, carefully feeling his granddaughter's face.

Gripping the bamboo tube tightly, she stared intently at Shen Yun at the end of the corridor. But unbeknownst to her, her grandfather's hand was gently stroking her face through the screen.

Of course, I couldn't hear Grandpa and Uncle whispering about how bitter her fate was.

Shen Cunmao pursed his lips tightly and said in a low voice, "I especially hope that there is really someone who can turn back the hands of time in this world."

Shen Mingqing glanced back at him and nodded lightly.

In fact, wasn't he thinking that way all along

But the question is, where in the world would there be someone with a black dragon hidden in their body who can reverse aging

"Dad, could you tell me more about the legends surrounding this person"

Shen Cunmao was truly at his wit's end, sitting here on edge, waiting for the python to appear. He whispered a plea in desperation.

Similarly, Shen Mingqing also needed to use words to ease the torment of waiting: "The legend of that person is related to the holy tablet enshrined in Room No. 7."

"That sacred plaque, was it really discovered by our ancestors after they encountered a giant python at the mouth of the black hole"


"Wasn't it"

Chen Cunmao, who had casually asked the question, was stunned for a moment.

Just now, my father said that no matter what others believe about the Shen family's history of making a fortune, he firmly believes it.

That plaque enshrined beside the black hole is also a crucial part of the legend about the Shen family's rise to fortune, isn't it How can Father's answer be so different from the legend

"That sacred plaque was actually brought from the mainland of China by our ancestors."

Shen Mingqing's voice was incredibly deep, sounding like it came from a tomb: "Those who return to youth are also related to this holy relic. In the legend of the Shen family's rise to power, the reason why the holy relic is said to have been seen near a black hole is purely a cover-up."

"Concealing oneself"

Shen Cunmo immediately pressed, "Whose ears and eyes were being covered"

"China, Beijing, Shen Family."

Shen Mingqing spoke almost word by word, raising his head to look west.

Instinctively, Shen Cunmo also looked in that direction.

The father and son were looking out the window toward the mainland, which was Zhongyuan, or present-day China.

Who would have thought that over a thousand years ago, the Shen ancestors who came to Seoul to make their fortune were actually direct descendants of the prominent Shen family of China

The Shen family of China, that's the oldest family in Asia today, with origins dating back to the Xia Dynasty, the first slave state.

Shouldn't anyone be honored to have been born into this family

Why, over a thousand years ago, did they flee the mainland and come to Han City

"Because our ancestors didn't want to die."

Shen Mingqing's answer was very realistic and straightforward: "Our ancestors felt that as the oldest family in China, the Shen family had already made too many sacrifices for China over thousands of years. There was no need to sacrifice any more. We should prioritize the interests of the family and develop the Shen family into the number one family in the world. Instead of closely cooperating with each dynasty's ruler and sacrificing the Shen family for the benefit of China."

Although the Shen family earned the honor of being the first family through thousands of years of sacrifice, Shen's ancestors, who should have been the most outstanding members of the Shen family, didn't want to continue making such sacrifices endlessly.

Thus, on a moonless and stormy night, he escaped from the Shen family.

The Shen family was furious that such a degenerate had appeared in their household. Naturally, they would spare no effort to hunt him down and purge the family line.

Back then, there weren't things like GPS satellite positioning, and it was sparsely populated with dense jungles everywhere—it was incredibly easy for someone on the run to evade capture.

But the Shen family's ancestors dared not bring it with them. After fleeing to the grasslands, they continued westward, eventually arriving at the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

"It was in Xi Kunlun that the ancestors' fate underwent another fundamental shift."

Shen Mingqing's voice grew increasingly ethereal: "Who could have imagined that deep within a valley in Kunlun Mountain, there would be people living there"

Shen Cunmo slightly opened his mouth, afraid to make a sound, lest he disturb his father's train of thought.

The ancestors of the Shen family encountered a group of people in a valley on Kunlun Mountain.

The name of the organization, like the valley, is Blazing Flame.

The leader of the Fiery Valley is a mysterious and terrifying woman known as Emperor Xuanyuan.

For almost twenty years, the Shen family's ancestors lived in the Fiery Valley and never saw the true face of Emperor Xuan Yuan.

She was known only as a woman by day and a man by night, skilled in martial arts. The reason she lurked within the Blazing Valley, unable to go out and harm humanity, was because she was waiting for someone.

“That person, a dragon hidden within his own body, came from the dark world to the mortal realm and then reverted to childhood. It is said that Emperor Xuanyuan wants to restore his male by day, female by night identity, kill out of Lièyàn Valley, and reclaim the former glory of Princess Yìchéng in his revenge, he must find this person and chop off his head before the Xuanyuan statue.”

After saying that, Shen Mingqing shook his head with a look of disbelief on his face before continuing: "During the twenty years our ancestor lived there, thanks to his vast knowledge and strong organizational skills, he quickly found a wife, had children, and gradually became one of the six Dao Masters under the Xuan Yuan throne of Lie Yan Valley."

Shen Cunmao couldn't help but chime in: "Six Paths Is it the familiar Hanhui Six Paths"

Shen Ming nodded: "Heaven's Path, Human Path, Asura Path. Hungry Ghost Path, Animal Path, Hell Path."

Shen Cunmao asked again, "Was the ancestor the master of the Dao of Heaven or the master of the Dao of Humanity"

In Shen Cunmo's view, since his ancestors were such outstanding people who were forced to become bandits, of course they had to be someone below the emperor but above all others.

But Shen Mingqing's answer made him a little ashamed: "It's the path of beasts."

Under the throne of Emperor Xuanyuan, there are six paths, each with its own mission.

Like the Heavenly Dao, it exists solely for pleasure. It enjoys delicious food and drink every day, controls all finances, and when happy, uses its persuasive tongue to come up with clever schemes — those who belong to the Heavenly Dao are also called Elders.

The way of humanity governs scholars and warriors. After all, if you want to accomplish great things, you need both cunning strategists and brave fighters.

The Shura Path is specialized in cultivating Great Generals to command and control soldiers.


ōshī-kido are in charge of transporting finances, which is equivalent to a transport battalion.

The Hell Realm is in charge of finding treasures for the Four Emptinesses of Heaven.

Animal Path——Well, although it's headed by ancestors of the Shen family, everyone there is human. They just have this name because they are responsible for raising horses to ride and pigs and cows to be slaughtered and fed to people.

In short, the six paths under King Xuan Yuan each have their own duties. As long as everyone works together, one day we will find someone who can restore youth, chop off his head with a single sword, and then follow our great king to the Central Plains where flowers bloom to enjoy the good life.

Unfortunately, ideals are often lofty, while reality is often harsh.

Before Shen's ancestors joined the gang, King had been waiting for countless generations, and he still hadn't waited for that damn person who could turn back time.

Only a fool would continue to wait.

Thus, the Shen family's ancestors and the other Daoist masters who were sent to the Burning Valley for a mission, after leaving Kunlun Mountain, immediately fled.

Unlike the other two Daoist leaders, Shen's ancestors were very wise. They deliberately split their forces into two groups—their family of three formed one group, and everyone else formed another. They simply took different paths.

Thus, the Shen family's ancestors arrived in Seoul, the capital of the Korean Peninsula.

What happened next was no different from what the first ancestor of the Shen family had experienced.

The one who was flipped over by a giant python on Mount Cangling was the second ancestor of the Shen family.

The second generation ancestor just returned home after a fortunate encounter. He was discovered by the first ancestor, who was skilled in esoteric arts. His son seemed amiss; he had a flushed face and his countenance radiated prosperity. This was a sign that love was blooming, indicating a shift in fate toward wealth and prosperity.

But alas, within the auspicious omens of our second-generation ancestors, there lurks a sinister darkness.

The first ancestor muttered a few incantations, but after many days, he sighed in defeat and said no more.

Only when I'm about to die, can I tell my second generation: "Child, if you can achieve wealth, honor and glory in your lifetime, then I can finally rest in peace."

Nothing in life is perfect. You get so much because when our family immigrated here, I calculated the feng shui and claimed this slightly flawed piece of land for us.

But he didn't expect that the flaw would be so goddamn big, every twelve years, a direct descendant had to feed the giant python.

But I can't help it either.

"Only at the brink of death will I give you a few more words for free."

Before his death, the first ancestor of the Shen family gave those words to the second generation, which were what Shen Mingqing told his son.

He not only left behind these almost idiotic remarks, but also instructed the second generation to enshrine the holy tablets of the animal path by the black hole.

What is this thing, it's bad luck, someone will take it one day, just like hoping the Shen family has a daughter soon.

Or, one could hope that damn fountain of youth guy shows up sooner rather than later, so he can wield the Black Thorn and slay the giant python. He'd pull the sachet from its belly and present it with both hands, saying, "I won't move a muscle for less than three hundred taels."

"Although it's called the Sacred Tablet, to my Shen family, it's a harbinger of misfortune. We don't know when the legendary Emperor Xuanyuan will appear and punish our ancestors for their past betrayal. That's why one of our forefathers placed the Sacred Tablet at the edge of the Black Hole, forbidding later generations from revealing its true origins."

Just as Shen Mingqing was speaking, a strange cry suddenly exploded in his ear: "Aw!"

A father and son, who were talking to each other, were both startled by the sudden shriek, trembling all over and almost wetting themselves.

"Giant, no, the dragon has appeared!"

After being startled, Shen Cunmo was about to reach out and help his father up, but when he caught a glimpse of the display screen from the corner of his eye, his face turned pale instantly, and he let out a gasp.


The dragon appeared.

The roar that almost scared the Shen family father and son just now, was emitted by the dragon, coming out from the speakers.

Compared to Shen Mingqing and his son watching the live broadcast in front of the monitor, Shen Yun, who was behind the iron door of Room 7, felt it — just like the difference between watching a ball game on TV and being there in person.

In a nutshell, with that piercing screech, like thunder exploding in Shen Yun's ear, after her heart leaped wildly, she immediately realized that her young life had finally come to an end.

Before the scream came, Shen Yun was terrified out of his wits.

After her heart skipped a beat, the tension that had gripped her entire body completely eased.

If even her beloved grandfather could personally send her to this place to die a miserable death, what in this world is left worth living for

Death, perhaps, is the best solution.

That way, you won't feel guilty towards Emperor Duan and her loved ones.

Suddenly, Shen Yun felt an unprecedented hope to rush towards death.

With a clatter, she dropped the bamboo pole she had used for defense and, head held high, strode toward the end of the corridor.

At the end of the corridor, two crimson lights flickered into view through the eerie white mist.

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