The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1546: Never to Live a Lifelong Coexistence with Him


a day, Ye Fan challenged Hei Long and his new driver, Tutu, to a race. Hei Long, despite having more battle experience, ultimately lacked professional training. During the race against Tutu, he was a...Because of special historical reasons, not only did Shen Yun have to bow his head to fate, but Shen Cunmao and Shen Mingqing also had to lower their heads, which they usually held high in front of people, before the cruel face of fate.

The Shen family of Hancheng rose to power and maintained it not through luck, as some rumors claimed, but through their own strength.

That was because their ancestors, when they fled to Seoul over a thousand years ago, had already paid a price unimaginable to ordinary people.

And this price is not temporary, but long-lasting. Every twelve years, a strong and capable direct descendant will be thrown into Room Number Seven. They will first be ravaged by the giant pythons and then eaten alive.

Thinking about its evil, cruel process, can make one's blood run cold.

Especially the head of a Hancheng lineage for generations, in his lifetime there will be several times, he personally sees how family members die tragically, yet unable to do anything about it—— the mental fatigue endured is absolutely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The once-every-twelve-year ritual became their nightmare.

They even dreamt of escaping their nightmares, and therefore yearned for a female member to join them.

Heaven favors the diligent.

Perhaps Heaven was tired of this game, finally allowing Shen Yun to descend upon the Shen family at the end of the last century.

Her birth meant the end of the thousand-year curse that had plagued the Shen family. Knowing this, the members of the Shen family were overjoyed and showered her with love and protection, which earned her the title of "South Korean Princess."

Similarly, when they learned that Shen Yun was kidnapped by European traffickers, it was also the primary reason why the Shen family was willing to pay any price to bring her back.

Who wouldn't do that in their place

After paying a huge ransom, the Shen family finally got Shen Yun back safely to their country.

Although the Shen family had long known that after being kidnapped for so long, Shen Yun's innocence would certainly be tainted, this did not affect her mission.

Shen Mingqing also agrees.

However, he didn't hold this belief for long. In a moment of surprise, he noticed a faint black hue appearing between his granddaughter's brows.

This is a sign that one has been poisoned and the poison will act quickly, after which even powerful gods cannot save them.

Shen Yun was carrying the burden of saving the Shen family in Seoul. Her safety was absolutely the top priority for the family. After she was poisoned, could Shen Mingqing feel anything other than fear after his initial surprise

Although Shen Mingqing was afraid in his heart, he didn't show it on the surface. He just took advantage of the annual opportunity to check the pulse, arranging experts and doctors to give his granddaughter a detailed check-up and blood tests.

The conclusion he reached was exactly as he had expected.

That's Shen Yun being poisoned.

How was she poisoned

What kind of deadly poison is it

These two questions are not difficult to answer in today's technologically advanced medical field.

Shen Yun was poisoned by the "filthy poison".

What about the so-called "dirty poison"

It is a folk belief from ancient times that three "jings" are deadly poisons. This means that if a woman has sexual relations with more than three men on the same day without taking safety precautions, she may contract a filthy poison.

This poison is unlike ordinary venereal diseases. It's created when the essence of three or more men is absorbed into a woman's blood, triggering a reaction of mutual repulsion that gives rise to this deadly toxin.

The granddaughter had been kidnapped by a ruthless human trafficker for so long that her innocence was lost.

She was a revered princess in South Korea, but to those human traffickers, she was merely a beautiful girl for them to vent their repressed desires upon.

Although it's possible for women to be harassed by multiple men every day around the world, not all women are fatally poisoned after being harassed.

This is just like buying a lottery ticket, there's also a probability.

Shen Yun's luck is pretty good——

Knowing that she was poisoned so severely, and could only survive for a few months at most, apart from putting her in room number seven years ahead of schedule, what other choice did Shen Mingqing have

Originally, he wanted to wait until the third day of the third lunar month every twelve years.

Due to her unfortunate fate, Shen Mingqing was forced to send Shen Yun prematurely to death.

There are no options.

Because Shen Yun's tragic fate of being trampled by the dragon since birth was already predetermined.

That's why Shen Mingqing used the excuse of Duan Cunguang leaking top-secret military intelligence to her, and threw her into Room No. 7.

When the Dragon appeared, Shen Mingqing thought that as long as he survived that day, the Shen family's millennium curse would end.

And then there was his life.

When the Shen family's millennium curse is lifted, it is the time when the current head of the Shen family dies.

This is also a prophecy passed down from ancestors, which is why Shen Mingqing brought Shen Cunmao into the monitoring room. He wanted him to witness a cruel scene firsthand and reveal all the core secrets of the Hancheng Shen family to him.

There is no doubt that Shen Mingqing is a qualified homeowner.

As long as the millennium curse on the Shen family of Han City can be lifted, he will die with a smile.

But what Shen Mingqing didn't expect was that just as he was preparing to die with a smile, Yang Xiao appeared.

Yang Xiao's appearance caused Shen Mingqing to be terrified, but at the same time, he suddenly felt a surge of enlightenment about the profound meaning of Xuanmen. He had once diligently studied it when he was young, but due to the rapid advancement of technology, he had neglected it over time.

In a nutshell, at that moment, he had an epiphany. His understanding of the Xuanmen School reached Yuan Tian Gang's level – in the shortest time possible, he could figure out many things.

I also learned a lot of things.

Just before his death, Shen Mingqing finally figured out that the filthy poison Shen Yun was suffering from wasn't caused by being defiled by more than three human traffickers.

...but by a person!

Who is that person

It was Li Nanfang who crawled out of the black hole.

It is a dark star from the dark world, with a demon dragon hidden in its body. It was born into this world and returned to childhood after being reborn in the mountains.

After a Dark Star has relations with another woman, he will not poison her.

After engaging in a relationship with Shen Yun, he would poison her fatally.

The reason is very simple.

Because Shen Yun possesses the genes of a divine dragon, passed down through his noble bloodline—these unique genes from the divine dragon react immediately upon encountering the essence of the Dark Calamity Star.

Although the Shenlong is said to be nothing more than a giant python, an unyielding wild beast, all wild beasts have the instinct to protect their territory.

Just like a little dog often urinates on a big tree, this is telling other dogs: "My descendants will have their noses adjusted, this is my territory, whoever dares to linger here, be careful I'll kill your whole family."

Thousands of years ago, the giant python genes had already infiltrated the Shen family bloodline in Hancheng through "cohabitation." How could they possibly allow the essence of the black dragon to merge with Li's inner being

So, the two "gene viruses" started fighting each other, just like when a puppy finishes peeing and takes only a few steps, but then another puppy walks by and starts peeing on the same tree. The first one ignores its warning, of course, and gets furious, immediately turns its head, showing its sharp teeth, and roars as it charges over to kill this damn dog.

The later dog, since it dared to pee on the "senior" territory, proved that it wasn't afraid of the senior at all. Of course, it would immediately perk up, open its mouth wide and go at it, tearing each other apart until heaven and earth turned upside down.

The giant python gene virus Shen Yun carried in her blood clashed with the virus Li Nanfang later introduced, just like two little dogs fighting.

The outcome of the two gene viruses fighting each other was that Shen Yun's brows darkened with a sinister aura. This was the main reason he was poisoned.

"The clouds... I never dreamed, even in my sleep, that after being kidnapped by those European slave traders, your pure body would be defiled by the dark star of disaster. This led to a violent rejection between the two genes, resulting in poisoning."

Shen Yun was holding the letter left by his grandfather, and when he saw this sentence, he closed his eyes in pain.

This letter was written by Shen Mingqing in the monitoring room after Yang Xiao left.

The handwriting on the letter was messy and careless, revealing that Shen Mingqing's mood was extremely unstable when he wrote it.

It makes sense.

Anyone, even a selfless monk with the heart of a thousand-year-old well, would feel some ripples when learning about their imminent demise.

Shen Mingqing's farewell letter included the confidential documents stored in the safe in his study, which only the head of the family was qualified to access, as well as the surveillance footage. Shen Cunmao had reviewed both.

After looking at them, Shen Cunmao followed his father's instructions and sent all these things to Shen Yun's room.

She only then learned the absolute core secret of the Hancheng Shen family, knowing what Number 7 room was like and the kind of "intimacy" the giant python had with the Shen family.

Also, her fate.

She bit her lip again, hard, before opening her eyes and continuing to read the letter left by her grandfather.

When the genes of the python virus collide with Li Nanfang's gene virus, a deadly toxin is produced. In order to survive, Shen Yun has only one option.

One, a direct relationship with Shenlong.

Second, she had a relationship with Li Nanfang again.

Whether she is with Shenlong or Li Nanfang, the poison she was inflicted with would be temporarily neutralized.

Why is it described as a temporary solution

Comparing the two viruses, Shenlong and Li Nanzhang, to two armies battling it out, evenly matched in strength. Suddenly, one side receives reinforcements—the arrival of new essence— causing the other side to collapse immediately

After one side was utterly defeated, the poison that Shen Yun had been subjected to was also neutralized.

But that is only a temporary resolution.

Just like when one side in a fierce battle retreats, only retreating without being completely wiped out, they will definitely regroup and come back another day.

"To completely dissolve the poison that has taken hold of you, there's only one way: to spend your life with either the Dragon God or Li Nanfang. If you don't do this, at most six months from now, you will die from the poison."

Shen Yun continued to read, a helpless voice from her grandfather faintly reaching her ears: "One thing is certain, the dragon in room number seven will not stay with you forever. No matter how magical and spiritual it is, it cannot change its wild nature. It will only take you, let you die of exhaustion, and then eat you as food."

When he saw this, Shen Yun was startled.

Although she had clearly seen in the surveillance video that Shenlong was dead, she couldn't help but think that if Li Nanshan hadn't arrived in time, her fate would have been terrible.

Anyone with a shred of conscience wouldn't want Shen Yun to meet such a tragic end after being defiled by the python, only to die from its venomous bite.

Moreover, wasn't Shen Mingqing genuinely fond of her

In his letter, he wrote: "Fortunately, Li Nanfang appeared. After killing the Death Dragon, he merged with you. This is the best outcome for you, and even for the entire Shen family. Alas, of course, there are regrets too. That is, if you want to live a happy life, you can't leave Li Nanfang. At most, not more than six months. Otherwise, you will die from the poison."

Seeing this, Shen Yun wiped her eyes with her hand and choked out, “I... I would rather die than spend my life in misery with him.”

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