The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1553 Finally, Someone Wants to Talk to Me


his hand.Unexpectedly, the person on stage had very sharp ears and heard their conversation. He shouted at the fat guys who were about to turn around: "Who are you!"Only then did the crowd notice the..."Don't chase after them, lest you make things difficult for them."

Pushing a rocking chair, Duan Xiang walked over and looked at the mountains below. His eyes held no expression, just like his tone of voice when he spoke: "After figuring some things out, you realize you know nothing."

Du Ning's beautiful brows furrowed suddenly, her voice not friendly at all as she asked, "Do you know that my sister and Ling Xing might be treated as sacrifices and discarded"

"I don't know."

Duan Xiang shook his head and spoke honestly, “But from what my parents have said and done these past two days, I can tell what happened. After thinking about it carefully, I realized that Grandpa had to do this, sacrificing himself for the greater good.”

"Humph, what small me, big me"

Dang Ning was usually afraid of this second sister, but seeing her had already guessed this matter but remained uncharacteristically cold, anger surged up in him. His tone hardened as he spoke: “I only know that whether it’s my elder sister or Ling Xing, there is no need to sacrifice them for so-called interests. Don’t forget, we are a family, and all of us have the same blood flowing through our veins.”

"Hmph, childish."

Duan Xiang let out a contemptuous sneer, his eyes rolling upwards as he rebuked without any politeness: "If everyone were like you, focusing only on so-called family ties and retreating when it was time to sacrifice, then the Dali Duan family would no longer be the Duan family of today. Fortunately, the Duan family is not everyone, and there are not all people like you who are content with a little wealth and security. This is what created the legend of the full-fledged heroism of my Dali Duan clan in the last century, for me, and for you, creating such a good living environment."

Du Ning pursed her lips, wanting to retort, but didn't know what to say.

Because Duan Xiang was right.

The Dali Duan clan was able to, with the strength of one person, Elder Duan, elevate their family to one of China's top aristocratic families for decades. Wasn't it because the Duan family paid an extremely heavy price during that national war in the last century, which earned them the love and respect of the country and its people, granting their descendants a lofty status

If it hadn't been for the bloodshed and sacrifice of martyrs, how could Duan Ning and others have walked rampant in Dali No one would have dared to touch them.

Decades ago, since the entire male lineage of the Duan family sacrificed themselves in the national war, it brought about such a significant development for the Duan family, providing our two generations with this superior living environment. So when the Dali Duan clan needs someone to sacrifice again to protect everything the martyrs bought with their lives, then someone must be sacrificed. Duan Ning, you should be grateful that your intelligence is insufficient, so you can remain happy.

After Duan Xiang coldly said this, he pushed away the official chair with both hands and walked towards the road.

In the morning, Yue Qingke, accompanied by Emperor Duan Shu personally, had already arrived several dozen meters away and was gazing affectionately at her.

Duan Ning stared blankly at Duan Xiang, unable to utter a word.

It was evident that she had not only been reprimanded by Duan Xiang but also severely ridiculed.

But she had no words to refute.

Because Duan Xiang was right.

Things never fall from the sky for no reason. Just like the Duan family, if they only focused on familial affection and were unwilling to make sacrifices, they wouldn't have the esteemed status they enjoy today.

Although Duan Ning had clearly realized this truth, her heart felt even more suffocating.

Just then, Duan Xiang, who had already pushed his armchair out seven or eight meters, suddenly turned back and whispered, "Don't go to hurt your parents anymore, and don't torment grandpa. Because - Fu Bo, who went to prepare the coffins for the two sisters, is coming back soon. Duan Xiangning is your older sister, but Duan Lingxing is also my younger sister. We four sisters are all relatives. Although I've never looked down on you since I met you."

Upon hearing Duan Xiang's words, Duan Ning's mind was jolted like an explosion. Her body staggered, and she hurriedly reached out to grab a tree for support.

She felt like thunder was exploding in her ears, not because Duan Xiang said he looked down on her and her two sisters.

...but because Duan Xiang said that Fu Bo would soon bring back the buttocks of Duan Xiangning and Duan Xing sisters.

This proves what

Only proving that before the leak from Lao Wu's family, the two Duan sisters who went to the peninsula for the Duan family just a few days ago, had already died.

Duan Ning didn't know how Duan Xiangning went to the Peninsula, but she knew that when Duan Xing went to the Peninsula, it was with Li Nanshang.

Over these past few days, while doing nothing, Duan Ning got to know this abducted brother-in-law of hers. She realized he wasn't just ordinary; he was exceptionally capable. Whether it was crossing mountains of knives or wading through seas of fire, he did it with ease, taking everything in stride. - So, having him take care of Duan Lingxing was undoubtedly a guarantee.

Despite this, Ke Fu Bo could still bring back scattered pieces of information.

Can even Li Nanfang protect her


Then, scattered or dead.

How did she die

Even if Duan Ning were to act foolishly, he should have realized by now that Duan Lingxing died at the hands of his own family.

Du Fu had sent people to the peninsula two days ago, claiming to be welcoming the two Miss Du. Of course, Duan Ning knew about this.

Only now did she realize that Duan Fu had taken people to the Peninsula not to welcome her sisters, Duan Xiangning and Duan Xianglan, but to have them die there.

Even though Li Nanfang exhausted all his efforts to rescue the two sisters from Longgu Mountain, Yao still died at the hands of Duan Fu.

Thinking of elder sister Duan Xiangning willingly taking the blame for Duan Shuhou, only to end up dying at the hands of her own family, Duan Ning's heart ached so much she could barely breathe. She seemed lost and distraught, ignoring anyone who greeted her, and stumbled towards Xiyuan.

She wanted to escape from the Duan family.

It's all because the Duan family is too heartless.

Although she now understood that only the deaths of Duan Xiangning and her sister on the peninsula could bring the greatest benefit to the Duan family.

And Duan's children, when striving for the Duan family's benefit, should also be willing to sacrifice - sacrificing for the country is different from dying at the hands of their own people.


At this moment, Duan Ning thoroughly understood what it meant to be cold-blooded.

She no longer took pride in being the eldest daughter of the Duan family.

I only felt cold.

A sneer curled his lips.

She simply couldn't adapt to this surreal existence, just as she couldn't understand how, for the sake of so-called profit, one could slaughter their own kin.

Duan Ning really wanted to escape.

Though it could also be confused.

Because she had no idea where she could go after leaving the Duan family.

Now she realized that she was a waste who relied on the Duan family to survive, no wonder Duan Xiang looked down on her.

Take, for example, her current desire to escape from the Duan family. It's just a matter of running from the front gate of the manor to the West Courtyard, where she lives.

Besides Xiyuan, where else can Duan Ning go

"Turns out, I'm just a waste of space. After leaving the environment we fought so hard to create, I can't survive."

Duan Ning murmured to herself, sometimes giggling foolishly, sometimes crying, walking aimlessly forward.

There seemed to be someone talking to her from behind, and she also looked back, but she didn't hear what the person was saying, nor did she see who it was.

And so she walked on.

I don't know how long she had been walking, but suddenly her left wrist was grabbed by a hand. A gentle voice whispered in her ear, "Don't go. If you walk any further, there's a cliff ahead."

Duan Ning was stunned for a moment, as if waking from a dream, and heard the gurgling water coming from in front of her feet.

Originally, she had already arrived at the westernmost part of the West Courtyard in a daze.

This is a cliff. There's a waterfall flowing out of a crevice in the rock at your feet, several meters down. At the bottom lies a pool hundreds of meters deep.

Of course, there was a railing in front of the precipice.

The railing was merely a few white marble stone posts connected by iron chains, designed to preserve the natural scenery as much as possible.

Duan Ning used to often come here to cool off, daydream, or just relax. Of course, she was very familiar with this place.

If it hadn't been for that hand grabbing her in time, Duan Ning would have definitely fallen off the cliff.

The Duan family children could swim before they could walk. While this might be an exaggeration, it does prove that Duan Ning was exceptionally good at swimming. So even when she accidentally fell from a cliff into the deep pool below, she was probably just startled.

The prerequisite was that when she lost her footing and fell, she landed accurately in the water instead of on the limestone rocks by the edge of the pool.

If she falls into the rock crevice - Duan Ning wasn't like Yang Xiao, a super freak who treats cliffs as nothing. She might just break her leg or arm if she fell, which is fortunate. If her head hit the rocks, though, unless she had iron head kung fu, she would be dead for sure.

So the person who reached out and grabbed her in time could be said to have saved her life.

No one wants to die.

Especially a delicate young girl like Duan Ning, when she is unhappy or despairing towards someone, all she thinks of is running away from home, finding a deserted place, and never returning. She doesn't intend to die.

Du Ning suddenly woke up, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans immediately appeared on her forehead. She couldn't help but cry out: "Ah—it's you"

The one who immediately grabbed Duan Ning's wrist was surprisingly Chen Yu'er, the person least favored by everyone in the Duan family.

It can be said that Chen Yuer is the culprit behind the Duan family's downfall.

It was he who led to the tragic demise of the Duan Xiangning sisters.

Every single person in the Duan family wished they could eat her flesh, flay her skin, extract her tendons, and then grind her bones to dust.

The Zhu family merely dared to be so fierce in their hearts, but they wouldn't dare even touch a single hair on her.

Because she's no longer just a single person, but a magnificent being who breathes.

She brought such ruin upon the Duan family, no matter the reason. The Lingnan Chen family must pay a heavy price to appease their wrath.

Therefore, Chen Yuer during this period of time at the Duan family, not only will she not be harmed, but she must also be protected with absolute safety.

Especially after Li Nanfang rushed to the peninsula, she was under protection twenty-four hours a day, even when she went to the bathroom or rested. Two expressionless female bodyguards were always by her side, providing the closest protection possible. They ignored her repeated assurances that she would never commit suicide.

Just kidding.

You said you wouldn't commit suicide, so you won't

If you really want to commit suicide, it's not just you who dies, but also the two of us.

Just like that, Chen Yuer's treatment at the Duan family these past few days was practically at the level of a national treasure.

She didn't care.

It's useless to care, isn't it

Chen Yuer had come to terms with the situation. These days, she ate when hungry, drank when thirsty, and slept soundly in Duan Shuhong's bedroom whenever she felt tired. She acted as if nothing had happened, treating her stay at the Duan residence as a simple visit, completely free to live and work as she pleased.

Inside the western courtyard.

When distinguished guests came to the manor, Chen Yuer naturally saw them. She also asked the two female guards, "Who is this person Someone so grand would visit the Duan family, and even have the young master come down the mountain to greet them."

The two bodyguards who had cursed her countless times behind her back acted just like they always did, pretending to be deaf and mute. They ignored all of her questions.

Chen Yuer also didn't mind. While leisurely strolling through the empty streets, she noticed Duan Ning walking over as if her soul had left her body.

With nothing to do, Chen Yuer followed along, hoping to catch some excitement.

Until Duan Ning almost lost her footing and was about to fall off the cliff, Chen Yu'er reached out in time and grabbed her wrist.

"It was me."

Chen Yuer smiles, her face blooming like a flower: “At last, someone is willing to talk to me.”

Like the promiscuous aunt, please collect everyone: () The most updated speed of the promiscuous aunt.parent reason, so her commission is gone!Tang Xiaoli, of course, didn't know the inside story, and these days, Sun Shaohui had been unreachable. There was no way, she could only contact other investor...