The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1574: A Crisis Looms Over the Hancheng Wedding


nt, they would laugh their asses off.And that Qin Biao, with his skills, was actually defeated by that kid He wouldn't be intentionally unwilling to help me, would he Or is it that the kid is really t...As the melodious wedding march, the kind that makes you want to get married just listening to it, began to play, Li Nanfang in his white suit strode onto the wedding stage.

The stage is not big, but the area in front of the stage is quite large.

The three-story banquet hall behind the Hotel in Seoul had previously been a venue for various large events or wedding ceremonies.

For Shen Yun's wedding, the hotel spent a whole day transforming the banquet hall as quickly as possible.

The wedding stage was surrounded by flowers and built with an open structure.

Visible to reporters and onlookers in the lobby on the first floor, ordinary guests in the banquet hall on the second floor, and VIPs in the private rooms on the third floor.

This arrangement is like a large movie theater from the last century.

No matter where you are, as long as you're inside this building, you're guaranteed to have a clear view of everything happening on stage.

Li Nanting's face was wearing a smile.

He didn't intentionally put on a face worse than crying to vent his slight dissatisfaction.

Because he knew very well, this wedding was already the highest-level wedding in Seoul.

As a son-in-law, if he wore a long face at the wedding, how could he ever gain the love and respect of the people under his rule

So, he laughed sincerely and heartily, to the extent that such a smile made countless women instantly lose themselves.

Countless flashing lights and the cheers and applause of various guests greatly satisfied Mr. Li's vanity.

If given the chance, he would without hesitation wave to the audience below and loudly proclaim, "That's right, I am your king!"

Unfortunately, this is just a wedding, not some coronation ceremony for a new emperor.

So, Boss Li remained calm and patiently waited for his bride to appear.

He was waiting for the bride, while someone in a distant place was waiting for him.

In a dim room of a certain secluded villa on the island of England, Avril sat alone on the bed.

In front of her was a window sealed shut by wood planks. A sliver of light pierced through the cracks, and she couldn't tell if it was sunlight, moonlight, or lamplight.


A sharp sound came from the front door.

Avril didn't look back, only thinking silently in her heart: "Is it dinner time again Why does it feel like time has suddenly sped up a lot"

She was still not hungry, so she didn't pay attention to what was behind her. She subconsciously thought it was the people who had imprisoned her who had brought her food.

But this time she was wrong.

"Avril, look! This is the man you've been dreaming about!"

A tablet, accompanied by a roar, flew to the bed.

The melodious wedding march music instantly filled the room, sending Avril into a daze. After she turned her head and saw the screen on her tablet, her whole face was filled with disbelief. She reached out and picked up the computer, holding it in front of her eyes.

"Avril, look. Your persistence won't get you anywhere, I advise you to give up!"

Outside shouts rang out once more, but Avril remained utterly unresponsive.

She gently caressed the computer screen, displaying Li Nanfang's handsome face as seen on his ID photo. It was as if she were caressing the cheek of her beloved in person, a blissful smile gracing her lips.

She couldn't see the people outside, but they could clearly see her every expression.

"You, Avril, one day you will regret this!"

With a bang, the door shut, leaving Avril and her beloved in silence.

What has Avril Lavigne experienced

Li Nanshan didn't know, if he did, he would certainly do everything he could to relieve Avril's suffering.

Unfortunately, after Ham received the ransom and released Avril, they never contacted each other again.

On the misty and rain-soaked Isle of Ying, if anyone could help Avril, it would have to be David.

Bai David knew a little bit of insider information about the Ya Ping Group, but he didn't know much, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

David was now holding up a glass of wine in one hand, and with the other hand, he pointed his thumb high at Li Nanfang on the television screen.

"Good, very good! As expected of my southern brother. Even the little princess from South Korea can be handled, this is already the rhythm of becoming their son-in-law!"

David always showered Li Nanshan with praise.

He raised his glass towards Li Nanfang on the TV, as if toasting to his brother's wedding. He drained the cup and when he looked down again, a mischievous glint appeared in David's eyes.

"By the way, how come I didn't think of that. Our brother from the south just sent us a big gift! From now on, won't the South Korean market be completely open to us The new drug has been successfully developed. Brother, you wait for me, I'll go find you soon, and we'll together save women all over the world, and get rich together!"

David cheered, pouring another glass of liquor for himself.

There's an old lyric that goes: "Drink it dry, then refill it."

There's definitely alcohol at a wedding feast, but no one can get drunk before the fixed wedding ceremony procedures are over.

The person who set this rule definitely had foresight.

If, during a wedding celebration, the happy couple is making their grand entrance to greet the guests, and suddenly several inebriated individuals rush onto the stage demanding to kiss the bride, what should be done

So, until the host announces the start of the meal, you guys better not even think about drinking ahead of time, not even if the King of Heaven himself shows up.

The banquet hall of the Hancheng International Hotel, spanning three entire floors, was packed with over a thousand people. Everyone could only watch enviously.

Watching the groom standing on the stage, waiting for his bride to appear.

At ten fifteen, the melodious wedding march was still playing.

The grand ballroom doors slowly creaked open. Shen Yun, adorned in a white wedding gown and veiled, appeared at the doorway, her arm linked with that of her uncle, Shen Cunmo.

For a moment, countless reporters rushed forward with all their might, vying for the best shooting position, almost coming to blows.

As the well-deserved "South Korean Princess", Shen Yun is truly breathtaking in her wedding dress.

Like all Western weddings, Shen Cunmo, accompanied by groomsmen, bridesmaids, and flower girls, walked down the red carpet with his elder Shen Yun as a representative of the family to the high platform at the front.

Meanwhile, Li Nanfang walked forward with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

A mere dozen meters, held the gaze of all.

As both parties stood together in the middle of the wedding stage, Shen Cun slowly placed Shen Yun's hand into Li Nanfang's.

The bride and groom clasped hands, and as this scene fully unfolded, the entire banquet hall was instantly drowned in a thunderous applause.

Everyone expressed their heartfelt blessings to the newlyweds with thunderous applause.

I believe that many people watching this scene on television and computers in other locations will also cheer along with the audience present.

However, there was one person who clapped along, but her steady and measured rhythm differed greatly from the others' applause.

While others were there to bless the bride and groom, she was just happy for herself.

Inside the Nanshan Group office.

Kanglee bent down and peered at the television screen, scrutinizing it from every angle. Finally confirming that Ye Shen was indeed Li Nanzhi, she beamed with delight.

For a moment, she almost wanted to kiss the television screen in front of her.

As if this cold machine had taken the person she hated most away from her.

"Li Nanfang really forgot everything, that's great! Now I can rest easy. The Southern Group is mine from now on!"

Kany smiled wryly, saying this. He returned to his desk and sat in the boss's chair, swiveling around twice.

And then her smile turned ice-cold.

At first, Li Nanfang's resurrection was a sight to behold. He returned in a dump truck, lifting both her and the BMW into the air with ease.

At that time, she was unaware that it was Li Nanfang who was plotting against her. She was even immersed in the fact that Li Nanfang had died, and she could completely control the Southern Group, using this as a springboard to rise again.

Facing the speeding dump truck, she mocked the urban management situation in China.

After being lifted up, she only felt a slight fear.

After that period of panic, she just wanted to find the person who drove the dump truck and have that guy turn into scrap under his own dump truck.

However, all the arrogance and resentment vanished when she learned that Li Nanshan was still alive, and it was him who had attacked her, a lesson to teach her. Afterward, she panicked.

But Li Nanfang's teachings to her weren't enough.

Even later, when He Lan Xiaoxin came out, she beat her again and warned her that if she did it again, she would be sent back to Ying San Island.

Kanyia simply revealed an extreme fear, begging Yuezong to spare her.

But deep down, she didn't recognize any of her own mistakes.

No matter what direction things went in, she never ceased to harbor her ambitions.

During this period, I have mellowed a lot and don't want to go against Li Nanfang anymore.

But now Li Nanfang has amnesia and married a Korean woman. From now on, it's impossible for him to come back.

What would Kang Weiya dare to think in the face of such a situation

Of course, she was back to her old tricks, already scheming in her mind about how to eliminate the remaining underlings of Li Nanshan and turn the entire Southern Group into her own private property.

"Li Nanfang, I hope you'll never recover your memory!"

Kanyi shouted her heart out at the television, a mix of worry, fear, and ninety-eight percent excitement surging within her. Determined to make her beautiful future a reality, she started making serious plans.

The way she was happy highlighted just how worried everyone else at Southern Group was.

Chen Xiao saw the news "Mr. Ye Shen and Shen Yun at Miss's Wedding" yesterday, after she showed it to Chen Dali.

As Li Boss's longest-serving confidant, how could Chen Dali not recognize Ye Shen as Li Nanfang

Chen Dali didn't hesitate at all, and immediately went to inform Wang Defa and Dong Shixiong.

At this moment, several people were sitting together, watching the television. The groom on the screen, deeply in love, held the bride's hand. They finally couldn't help but feel a bit emotional.

"It's over, it's all over. The boss has truly forgotten everything this time. He married a Korean woman and will have to stay there now. What am I going to do"

Chen Dali covered his eyes and wailed out these words.

Wang Defa beside him looked exactly the same, covering his face and wailing: "I've been feeling like I'm walking on eggshells lately. So this is why! With the boss gone, we're definitely going to be screwed by that Kang Weiyia woman. No way, I have to go to Seoul and seek refuge with the boss. Wherever the boss is, that's where I'll go."

"Yes, we'll find the boss. Even if he has amnesia, we'll follow him!"

Wang Defa's suggestion was immediately met with Chen Dali's enthusiastic applause. The two then stood up, ready to pack up and leave.

"Wait! Just listen to me for a moment."

Dong Shixiong frowned and shouted, stopping the other two who were already anxious.

Like the lustful aunt, please collect: () The most updated speed of the lustful aunt.of strong tea and handed it over. Lao Mo looked at the woman's tea-brewing skills with great skill and was somewhat surprised to look at her, saying: "Liu Lao, this is..."This woman, he had never seen...