The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1634: It's Not Easy Growing Up as a Hoodlum


tful of this, even though they were close with Director Huang, so what She was doing her duty honestly and openly, it wasn't some shady deal. Director Huang could come anytime, she wouldn't be afrai...Li Nanfang drove here.

A billionaire-to-be wouldn't be without his own car, would he

Of course, in order not to let his confidants discover that he was giving up power and still followed him to check, he deliberately hid the car in a more secluded place.

Now that he has a car to get around, he can go back to the city as quickly as possible.

At the same time, it can also allow him to recover his spirits a little during driving.

In the past, every time Li Nanfang was invaded by Black Dragon and recovered, he would think of fighting with dozens of women for seven days and seven nights, his arms weak and powerless.

This time, of course, is no exception.

Li Nanfang could feel it, Hei Long had become stronger than before.

But how powerful it is remains to be seen.

After all, this was the Black Dragon's first attempt to seize control of his body after several times of Nirvana with Bodhisattva Man. As a result, he just pulled a few whips and was driven back by the urgent calls of women like Yue Zitong and Min Rou.

This shows that it's not just Hei Long who has become stronger, Li Nanfang himself has also grown slightly stronger.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be rendered unconscious by just the shouts of a few women.

It's even less likely that after the black dragon retreats, we could rest for a bit and then drive.

According to Li Nanshan's idea, he must sleep under the crooked pine tree on that sloping hillside for half the night, rest his energy, and then set off.

It's a pity, the lovely Auntie Yue didn't give me a chance at all.

Though I have 100% confidence that Yue Zitong wouldn't dare to bring so many women with Mr. Li to the club like this.

But thinking about it, those men could wreak havoc on their women with their eyes, Li Nanfang felt so uncomfortable that he simply drove over to confront Yue Zixuan face-to-face.

To spare myself from having to deal with her making a fuss every other day, disrupting my peace.

The night was growing darker and darker.

Time was nearly approaching dawn.

On the wide street, aside from the occasional beggar strolling along the roadside, it was difficult to see anyone else.

The night is very quiet.

However, this is just a superficial phenomenon.

Just ask anyone on the street where the King's Palace stands, and they'll tell you that the night in Qingshan is crazier than the day.

Li Nanfang's older brother yawned out of boredom.

Thinking about how to have a close and friendly showdown with Aunt Yue later, and then fall back under the control of that arrogant woman. Every night before going to sleep, I still have to take out my sign and ask my aunt which one she wants to favor tonight—what

"No way"

With a screech of brakes, Li Nanshan pressed his face against the car window and murmured to himself.

Just moments ago, he was pondering the matter of "flipping cards and retiring to bed" when suddenly, at the corner of a dimly lit alleyway on the road, he saw two men dragging a woman into the darkness.

Being too far away and separated by the car window, Li Nanfang was unable to hear what the woman was shouting.

But judging from the extent of their struggle and tearing, there are only two possibilities.

First, there was a woman wearing a red tight-fitting bodycon dress who was robbed. It was clearly both for money and for lustful purposes.

Second, a man caught him outside—well, the second reason isn't very believable. So it must have been the previous reason.

Someone is robbing!

As the embodiment of justice, a messenger of peace, and a hero who saves the world, how could Li Nanfang stand idly by when such evil unfolded before his eyes

Quickly turn the car around, park on the side of the road, and roar into the alley to beat up the hooligan who dared to harass a beautiful young woman, accepting the beauty—okay, too much. I have to admit that was just what an ordinary person would think and do.

People like Li Nanfang, the outstanding young dragons and phoenixes, how could they possibly appear so casually

He turned his car around, but he drove towards the dimly lit alleyway at an unusually slow pace.

He was thinking.

The woman in red, who had just been dragged into a dark corner by two men, bore a striking resemblance to the woman with the shapely hips and long legs he had seen in Seoul before.

There are many women with good figures in the world.

But to see women wearing the same clothes and with the same good figure casually is a bit unbelievable.

What caught Mr. Li's attention just now was that the woman being dragged away looked exactly like a "pely beauty with long legs".

However, that was just a resemblance in appearance.

We'll just have to wait and see the results later to know for sure.

Imagine if, at a speed of ten kilometers per hour, he just happened to drive to the mouth of that alleyway after one minute. Then, he sees two panicked men scrambling out, or at a glance, two bodies lying sprawled in the depths of the alley. He wouldn't hesitate for a second, he would park and rush over.

After all, a skilled fighter with a sharp rear end and long legs once made Li Boss's heart skip a beat. There's no reason he couldn't have scared or killed the two punks.

Unfortunately, reality disappointed him.

When the front of the car and the alley mouth were parallel, sitting inside the car, he heard a heart-wrenching cry for help.

"Oh, this is a real robbery. Damn it, I was lost in thought and missed the chance to save him."

In that instant, Li Nanfang was certain that the woman wasn't some strange person. Of course, he wouldn't hesitate any longer.

Stopped the car, jumped out, and as soon as I ran into the alleyway, I heard the most cliche phrase any villain would love to say.

"Baby, shout it out. You could scream till you're hoarse and it wouldn't matter. Come here, let big brother hold you. Tonight, I'll make sure you have a blast."

A dim alleyway, two burly men, one tall and the other short, cornered a pitiful young woman in red. One of them gripped her hair tightly while the other laughed hysterically, reciting lines from somewhere, as he reached for his belt buckle.

Li Nanshan's eyes were presented with such a lake surface, especially seeing the young woman's collar being torn open, revealing her snow-white skin that was hit.

He was immediately fired up.

"Let go of that girl, let me—uh, I'll make you stop!"

That was close, I almost revealed my true feelings.

From now on, you must be more careful and never speak without thinking.

Telling himself a word, Li Nanfang stepped closer to the past.

As his shout rang out, the two thugs turned their heads with expressions of startled confusion. This quickly shifted to menace, as if they were utterly unafraid of the lone hero who had come to her rescue.

"Whose pants unbuttoned and let you out If you want to live, get lost!"

A tall man, struggling to pull up his trousers, shouted out this phrase.

Li Nanfang only felt quite speechless.

These two guys look hardworking but naive, and everything they say are just empty threats.

I just want to ask, can't these fellow robbers who hold up people on the street at night put aside the constraints of their predecessors and come up with some creative words to make this robbery job more artistic

Just look at these two useless idiots, Mr. Li could handle them with just one finger.

"Hero, save me!"

The frightened woman, as Li Nanfang got closer and closer, finally reacted and cried out for help.

Even in fear, the voice was incredibly sweet and pleasing to hear.

Especially this woman's lips, after shouting, slightly pursed, exuding an indescribable sexiness. It really makes people want to rush up immediately and suck hard to taste what kind of nectar it is.

Thugs with combat power below 5, and a glamorous woman who's being hurt... this gives Li Nanfang absolutely no reason to refuse the opportunity to be her hero.

He came forward without a word, in the blink of an eye.

As the tall man just pulled his pants up, Li Nanfang kicked him straight in the chest.


The sound of a broken rib echoed sharply in the silent alley.

Li Nanshan consciously eased the force on his foot, only letting this guy receive some punishment was enough; there was no need to kill him.

After all, even small hoodlums are brought up by their parents. It's not easy growing up like that.

As for the short one beside him, who was gnashing his teeth and trying to rush up, just slap him in the face and knock out a few teeth.

The mastermind will be severely punished, while accomplices will receive lighter sentences. This has always been the clear stance of our great motherland towards criminals.

Alas, a master's loneliness is like snow.

One punch and one kick were all it took to take down the two little hoodlums. It really didn't give me a chance to show off my heroic demeanor.

With a strong disdain for the two small-time thugs' martial prowess in his heart, Li Nanfang took another step forward, reaching out to help the red-clothed girl who was cowering on the ground, trembling all over with fear.

He was still thinking about what words he could use to soothe the troubled heart of this beautiful lady.

The result hadn't even been thought through when a howl came from behind, startling even Boss Li.

"Oh, kill, kill, kill! Murder! Help me!"

The short, stocky thug who had just been punched out a few teeth let out a howl that sounded almost like a leak.

A robber who snatches things from others is crying like a little girl, saying he needs help! With such a pathetic amount of courage, he dares to hang out here

Li Nanfang was truly speechless.

Temporarily giving up on the woman in front of him, he turned his head to look at the two people he had knocked to the ground.

The short man howled, kicking his legs against the ground and scrambling backward. After a few steps, he turned and scrambled to his feet, running outside.

His running and shouting appearance was beyond comical.

Unfortunately, Li Nanfang couldn't laugh at such a ridiculous scene.

Because he was stunned to discover that the tall gangster lying on the ground beside him was actually dead.

Wouldn't someone who twists their whole head 180 degrees backward, with their back facing forward, be dead

"Damn, I'm dead!"

Li Nanting crouched down and felt the creature's pulse, but he didn't feel any beat. Afterward, he couldn't help but curse and let out a sigh of regret.

This person died too easily, didn't they

I just kicked him in the chest, didn't touch anywhere else.

You've made a complete 180-degree turn, are you out of your mind

Even if it's to prove to the world my skill as Li Nanzhang, you don't have to pay with your life, do you

Just said, it's not easy for a rascal to live this long.

As a result, Boss Li kicked the person to death with one foot.

"Excuse me! Miss, could you help me—oh, where'd she go"

Once again, Li Nanfang confirmed the tall gangster was dead beyond any chance of revival. He sighed inwardly, finding the situation troublesome, and wanted to turn back and discuss with the red-clad woman how to explain this matter to the police.

After all, this is in peaceful and serene China. When someone dies, they can't just brush it off and walk away. It has to be reported to the police.

As long as there are witnesses to prove that he acted bravely, the trouble would be a little less.

Looking back, Li Nan almost rolled his eyes at himself.

The red-cloaked woman behind me was gone.

Just as he went to check on the tall thug's life and death, he didn't notice that the woman behind him had already slipped away along the other end of the alley.

"What kind of international joke are you pulling, I—uh"

Li Nanfang really wanted to curse at the sky, but unfortunately before he could finish his words, several police cars with sirens blaring arrived.

Like the lustful aunt, please collect everyone: () The lustful aunt updates the fastest.d at Yan Wuque, who was silent as a grave, and chuckled."Bi, why not compare" Yan Wuque asked rhetorically. "To enhance our revelry, how about we add some spice"Ye Fan smiled. Yan Wuque must be losin...