The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1677: Su Wu Herding Sheep in the Three Districts of


and even drove recklessly at one point. Fortunately, the surveillance footage clearly showed the ID card he had placed on the car window, otherwise, the traffic police alone could have given them a ha...No one stood behind Li Nanshan.

He lay flat, and the result was that his bones went soft from being pressed by the iron breastplate on his back.

Where did the little lamb behind go

She certainly didn't run, she just lay down a step before Li Nanshan.

The entire training ground was littered with people lying everywhere.

No one wanted to stand any longer, not even willing to open their mouth to speak. The large bumps on their faces, bitten by the Hainan-specific sea mosquitoes, were too embarrassing to scratch.

That slight ache was nothing compared to the comfort of lying down.

Fortunately, Gong Jian was a conscientious person. He didn't scold anyone for immediately lying down.

But the command still had ten "locals" standing for hours, dispersed and recording the ID numbers of all those eligible to stay.

Li Nanfang's first day of military training was over just like that.

The local man, clutching a booklet and noting down his code, knew that the next three months would be filled with torment at the hands of these people.

You can refuse, but you'll get beaten up if you do.

How would you feel if those locals stood at attention with them for a whole ten hours

During his rare time off, Li Nanfang felt he had only rested for a short while when he saw a helicopter approaching from afar in the sky.

Gong Jian's urgent shout immediately rang out: "Everyone, stand up and assemble!"

I haven't had enough rest, you say we gather now

Despite the increasingly loud whirring of the helicopter blades, and the huge aircraft seeming poised to land in the middle of the crowd that sprawled across the square, few people obeyed Gong Jian's command to scramble to their feet immediately.

With so many people lying here, I don't believe a plane would dare land on top of everyone. I don't believe those locals would dare to rough us up.

Such thoughts exist in the minds of all those who are idle and unwilling to work.

After a while, the thought vanished.

Damn, that helicopter really dared to land like that

And those damn locals, kicking and beating, even dragging away those who couldn't stand up like dead dogs.

These scenes all foreshadow that everyone must give way to their beloved Mother Earth behind them.

After a while of jostling, Li Nanfang finally managed to mingle among the throngs of new recruits, standing listlessly.

He still stood in military posture, his iron armor vest refusing to come off. But Li Boss wasn't thinking about that right now. As the helicopter descended and its door swung open, all his attention was drawn to the person stepping out of the aircraft.

Two soldiers jumped off the plane first, standing on both sides of the cockpit door.

Then came a black, chubby middle-aged captain. Who he was didn't matter anyway; nobody cared.

People only care about the one at the back.

The fourth person to jump out of the plane was a woman.

When that woman jumped down from the cockpit, which was over a meter high, she seemed to lose her balance and had to squat down and use her hand to steady herself on the ground.

Li Nanfang was absolutely looking at this woman who was slowly getting up with pure admiration.

From her graceful curve and swaying hips alone, one could tell she was a stunningly beautiful woman.

As expected, he did not disappoint Boss Li. The other party was indeed beautiful, especially those red lips, so seductive that I wanted to pull him over and...evil stick—Huh

This feeling is so familiar.

What kind of woman could provoke such a strong desire in Li Nanfang

I can't remember.

Maybe all truly beautiful women have some commonalities. Anyway, Li Nanfang didn't know the woman, he only knew she was also a captain, a military flower captain.


As two captain officers stepped off the plane, Gong loudly shouted an order.

All locals raised their hands in salute.

Even among the fresh recruits, some wanted to raise their hands, but they just didn't have the strength. They stared over there, making a slight gesture of respect.

"The ceremony is over!"

Gong Jian's voice rang out once more.

Also with his shout, the helicopter roared away, disappearing into the sky.

Gong Jian ran all the way to Captain Heipang's front and snapped to attention: "Report, eighty new recruits from the Long Teng District Training Camp, with a planned roster of eighty and an actual attendance of eighty. Awaiting your instructions!"

Captain Hei Pang smiled and nodded, then turned forward, facing the entire squad. With a Buddha-like smile, he said: "Comrades, on behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the base, I welcome you to the Hua Xia Long Teng Training Camp, Third Training Area!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the burly figure atop the stage slowly scanned the crowd before abruptly raising his hand to his brow and performing a standard military salute.

With this man's salute, the eighty people in the square all reflexively raised their hands in return.

Even Li Nanfang, who had never given a military salute before, was impressed by the solemnity of the military ceremony and performed a proper salute.

No one had even thought about their arms, already weary to the point of being unable to lift them.

After the ceremony was over, Captain Hei Pang stood with his hands behind his back.

He wasn't tall, but he stood there as if he could hold up the heavens and the earth.

Don't underestimate an upper lieutenant in the Dragon Soaring Corps; even in front of figures like Colonel Helan Fusu and Colonel Duan Shuchang, they stand tall with unwavering respect.

The captain stood with his legs apart, facing the sun high in the sky. His eyes narrowed slightly, and though his voice was low, it possessed a mysterious allure: "First, allow me to introduce you to the base personnel."

Everyone was silent, listening attentively.

"My name is Lao Hei, I am the squad leader of Area 3 Training Camp, and I will personally be in charge of your daily training."

The highest leader of a special forces training base, yet calls himself a sergeant. Now that's interesting.

Someone irrational might really see him as just someone in charge of a squad of twelve.

But the twelve men under his command, if placed abroad, could absolutely withstand a regiment of fierce soldiers.

“The man standing to my left, you should already know. This is Gong Jian, your combat instructor, who will be in charge of your close-quarters combat, interrogation, night infiltration, and jungle reconnaissance training. The woman standing to my right is Su Ci, our marksmanship instructor. She will be responsible for teaching you about and using various mechanized weapons, and for confirming or denying your shooting scores. Su Ci also serves as the political commissar for the Training Camp of Area Three.”

Lao Hei still had that smiling face when he was introducing himself.

A squad leader, a military training instructor, and a political instructor.

Such a framework is unprecedented.

Li Nanfang had never been in the army, but he was very clear that a unit could absolutely not have two instructors, nor could a squad leader appear after the first training session for the platoon had already been completed.

The reason for this bizarre change must be that Su Ci or Zhu Qin, or even someone being forced into their training camp, is to blame.

Li Nanfang didn't mean any disrespect to his superiors, so after Old Hei, the platoon leader, finished speaking, he finally focused his gaze entirely on Su Ci.

It happened to be that the woman was also looking in his direction.

When their eyes met, Li Nanfang saw a radiant smile.

Goodness me.

Could it be that our Boss Li, wherever he goes, can always attract the attention of beautiful women

It should be so, after all, no one can resist the irresistible male charm I exude at all times.

Li Nanfang immediately smiled back, but unfortunately, the beautiful female instructor Su Ci turned her head away before his smile was even formed.

There was always smiling Old Hei, the squad leader.

Fellow comrades, I know that before coming here, each of you possessed remarkable abilities in your respective fields. I don't need you to forget those abilities, and I even hope that in the time to come, you will further cultivate your talents to even greater heights. But what I'm saying is about cultivating abilities, and everything else about yourselves, you must completely forget. After arriving here, you will no longer be individual entities, but are very likely to share a single name, it is called, "Dragon Soaring!"

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh."

After Lao Hei, the squad leader, uttered the words "Dragon and Tiger," no one could help but applaud.

This is a troop representing the soul of the Chinese military.

Lao Hei waved his hands downward. After the applause subsided, he slowly said, “Next, I would like to invite Coach Jing Hong, your boxing coach, to say a few words.”

All eyes

were suddenly on Gong Jian.

Last night, the black-hearted instructor who couldn't stop talking with just one mouth, was now like a shy boy, shaking his head slightly: "Report to Old Black Squad Leader, I have already said what I wanted to say to them. For those who remember my words, we get along very well, so there's no need to say anything more."

Of course, those who remain here remember the one who spoke.

Those forgotten were long ago taken away, back to where they came from.

Well then, are you all getting along very well

Heaven knows that the scheming man Gong Jian is always the one who says things like this.

Who got along with you

They spent a whole ten hours on this death-defying platform. What kind of harmonious atmosphere is that

In an instant, countless indignant gazes were cast towards him.

We dare not rebel, can we not even express our anger in our eyes

Anyway, since I'm going to be tortured by you anyway, I might as well glare at you a couple of times. It feels kind of good inside.

Gong Jian completely ignored the angry gazes directed at him, but with an even more sinister smile, he swept his gaze back, forcing everyone to lower their heads.

Until he saw Li Nanshan, Gong Jian's gaze stopped.

Li Nanshan's expression was very calm.

remained utterly unmoved, looking detached and aloof.

This unique and unconventional style, with a hint of lazy nonchalance, impressed Gong Jian greatly.

As a special training instructor at the Third District Training Camp for almost ten years, few trainees who endured his first lesson didn't hate him with every fiber of their being.

Even those who entered the palace for the second and third time couldn't hide the hatred in their hearts.

Because Gong Jian's methods of rectification change every year.

And Li Nanfang, as the first new recruit in recent years to show "imperturbability" after being tortured, was no reason for Gong Jian not to pay him extra attention.

In his view, the attitude Li Nanfang displayed was a crucial quality, especially for a top-tier special forces soldier who needed to remain calm at all times.

However, it's a shame.

If Gong Jian knew the real reason why Li Boss was so calm, he would definitely kick him out immediately and scold him — you are a complete piece of trash!

Li Nanfang didn't hear what Gong Jian said at all.

He was pondering which other woman he knew possessed lips as sexy and alluring as Su Ci's, the beautiful female instructor.

“Alright, then please ask Instructor Su to say a few words to everyone.”

Old Hei's words quelled the resentment in the eyes of the crowd, and also brought Li Nanshan's thoughts back.

Instructor Su, who possesses alluringly sexy lips, stepped forward, facing the crowd in the light. She slightly parted her red lips and said, "Hello everyone, I'm Su Ci, Su is from Su Wu the shepherd, and Ci is—"

"The sheep is the lamb that Su Wu herded."

Before the instructor could finish introducing herself, a certain jerk cut her off.

All eyes converged instantly.

Like your aunt who likes beautiful men, please collect everyone: () Your aunt who likes beautiful men updates the, "Xiaoyang, I'm your dad, look at me."Wang Xiaoyang just stared blankly at Wang Qiuyang, neither speaking nor smiling. He was like a mute, not crying, making a fuss, or speaking, just like a piece...