The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1679: Dragon Soaring Through Three Districts, I Am a


the agony."Car number two is here, get ready." Not far away, the same SUV quietly stopped in the alley. Inside, two men in black pulled out their masks and put them on, at the same time drawing their...Jing Hong had twelve golden hairpins and thirteen personal attendants under her command, which was well-known to all.

These people's skills are absolutely top-tier among all active individuals, second only to Jing Hong's life.

Qi Yue, once one of the Twelve Golden Beauties, served as the bodyguard for Yue Zi Tong, the head of the Yue family. Her skills were undoubtedly impressive.

But even though he was the top expert among all active practitioners, he was defeated by Yang Xiao within two moves when facing him during Yue Zizhong's soul-stirring moment.

While Li Nanfang was able to withstand Yang Xiao for at least three moves without the help of Heilong, ensuring he wasn't seriously injured.

This shows that Li Nanfang's normal level has already surpassed all the highest active personnel in the Highest Guard Bureau.

Then, he would naturally think.

His abilities, placed within the Hua Xia Special Agent Organization and special forces units, would undoubtedly make him a formidable warrior.

Since you already have the skill of a warlord, why bother taking those military training drills meant for new recruits seriously

Mr. Li also had pride in his heart.

When he was standing in the square, he boasted that there was no one in the entire training camp of District Three who could rival him.

They don't even need Black Dragon's cheating, these people aren't any good either.

But just now, Gong Jian's one leap startled Li Nanfang's heart.


Second only to individuals like Jing Hongming, and comparable in strength to Li Boss in his normal state.

Realizing this, a fierce fighting spirit surged up from deep within him.

Li Nanfang's right heel immediately rose slightly, causing all of his body's explosive points to enter a state of full alert.

Is he planning to have a showdown with the camp's counselor and boxing coach

Wouldn't he feel that this kind of behavior is very likely to lead to disastrous consequences

Li Nanfang didn't feel it.

Actually, his diligent effort was purely subconscious. He wasn't even aware of it himself, only staring intently at Gong Jian's feet, with nothing else on his mind but the desire to fight.

"Gong Jian, come back."

As Li Nanfang was poised to make his move, Gong Jian stood beside Su Ci, ready to speak when Lao Hei, the squad leader, suddenly said in a flat tone: "Let Su Ci come up with an excuse for this himself."


Gong Jian answered softly and slowly retreated.

Lao Hei didn't allow Gong Jian to stand up for Su Ci. He wasn't trying to make fun of her, but rather hoped she could change her mindset quickly. Ideally, he wanted her to find a few "scapegoats" in a short time to severely discipline and thus establish her own authority.

If this little thing can't be handled, a vase like Su Ci's - all show and no substance - should just go back where it came from.

Why does Lao Hei take care of Su Ci

It's not that this female instructor is surprisingly well-connected.

Although the arrival of Su Ci, this marksmanship instructor and political commissar, puzzled Old Hei, the squad leader, disrupting the base's rules, he couldn't stop Jing Hongming from arranging for him to come.

Yes, Su Ci was arranged by Jing Hongming.

Why is it arranged this way

Who knows!

As Gong Jian retreated back to Lao Hei's side, Li Nanfang relaxed his whole body, sighing inwardly that he had made a mountain out of a molehill.

At the same time, laughter on the training ground came to a halt.

After everyone had laughed, they realized that their unrestrained laughter just now would lead to such terrible consequences.

Another ten hours of standing at attention

Mom, I want to go home.

Their faces turned grim.

However, quite a few clever minds focused their attention on the beautiful female instructor.

They hadn't seen how Gong Jian had, with ghostly speed, gotten to Su Ci's side just now, but they all clearly heard the old black squad leader's shout.

Everyone's fate is now in the hands of the beautiful female instructor.

No one can penetrate a person's innermost being and see through their thoughts and feelings.

No one knows Su Ci's true inner thoughts, including Li Nanfang. Everyone can only judge her mood through her expression.

Even a fool could tell that Su Ci's expression was one of extreme coldness.

It's cold enough to freeze.

"My name is Su Ci. Su comes from Su Wu, the shepherd, and Ci means 'to bestow light'. So, what do you think, is my name funny"

This obviously inexperienced instructor, looking like a literary soldier if you said so, chilled everyone to the bone with that last statement.

Does aura actually exist in this world

A few minutes ago, when Su Ci first spoke, everyone felt a warm and comforting atmosphere. But in just a short time, the feeling changed drastically.

Could someone who can control energy fields be the kind of person who comes here to mix with history and engage in political and ideological work

Lao Hei, the squad leader, lit up.

Gong Jian's lips twitched, and he inwardly sighed that he had taken an extra step forward just now.

All the new recruits were silent as mice.

Li Nanfang was a little confused.

Just now he clearly saw Su Ci's cheeks blushing, aggrieved to no end.

In the blink of an eye, it's as if someone else has taken over.

More importantly, Su Ci did not pay too much attention to the perpetrator of this unexpected incident, but instead went to scan the other people present.

This habit of putting important people and events aside to deal with last is exactly like Mr. Li's, isn't it

Standing in the middle of the training ground, Su Ci widened her clear eyes like a she-leopard looking at its prey. She let out a cold snort and took a step forward: “You all remember these two words, Su Ci, and remember this well, no one can joke about my name. And similarly, no one can laugh along with me when I’m being made fun of. Don't forget one crucial fact, I am your instructor, and I, am also a woman!”

Su Ci walked back and forth in front of the new recruits, speaking with a stern face and icy tone. After a moment of stunned silence, everyone became serious.


“Of course, I know you're a woman. With those two lumps hanging there, even a man wouldn't have such a figure.”

Li Nanfang's strength proved what it means to die if you don't play dead.

Before, I took over the latter half of Su Ci's self-introduction. It was his unintentional oversight.

When he saw such a beautiful woman being treated like this by him, feeling embarrassed and unable to get off the stage, he also sincerely wanted to apologize.

But Su Ci's sudden change, coupled with his arrogant demeanor, made Li Nanfang, who was about to apologize, feel extremely uncomfortable.

Just an ordinary woman, what's there to pretend about.

Others can be intimidated by your aura, do they really think our Mr. Li can be easily swayed by any woman

There are women who want to drug Li Nanfang, too.

The premise is, she'd already been subdued by Li Nanshan underneath her long ago.

It is clear that Su Ci has never been favored by Boss Li.

Then, Li Nanfang didn't mind following the woman to do it.

There's no need to doubt it, that's just how we are.

Of course, after showing courage, being seen as a fool and ignored by the main characters doesn't feel very good.

Su Ci ignored Li Nanfang's casual interjection and didn't even glance at him. He merely cast his eyes back over the entire team.

Her voice was cold as a knife: "I remind you because I am your instructor. To pass the Dragon Soar assessment, at least in terms of ideology and weaponry, I have the final say!"

Fine, you win. Do you really think I care about this exam

Although I don't know what kind of ambitious schemes the Sky-Soaring Monkey has, he almost misled me ten hours ago, almost making me swear to become a mythical figure like Long Teng December.

But now it's different, I've figured it out.

Go to your military training, and don't even think about me following in the footsteps of those birds like Jinghong and Lao Si.

They are elders, and I respect them.

They have made great contributions to the nation, and I admire them.

But let me, Li Nanfang, be like them, thinking all day long about how to contribute my utmost to the country, and die without regret.

I'm sorry, I can't do that.

Li Nanfang is just an ordinary commoner who only wants to live a comfortable life. When pushed to the limit, he will unleash all his strength to fight for his family and country.

And now, nobody is forcing me.

Why am I suffering here, and being scolded by women

Go screw your ideology and firearms inspections.

I'm done with this!

Su Ci had that kind of aloof, cool woman vibe, especially the sultry aura she emanated, which made Li Nanan quite displeased.

too upset, just wanted to wave my sleeves and walk away.

Before he could actually turn around, Su Ci retracted his gaze and fixed it on him again, continuing to say in a forceful voice: "I remind you that I am a woman, to tell you a bigger truth."

What facts

No matter what kind of woman she is, no matter what position she pretends to be in, her desire for revenge is very strong! I believe everyone has heard this before, right

Su Ci and Li Nanfang looked at each other.

A group of trainees standing behind Li Nanshan actually all unconsciously took a step back.

It's well-known that women hold grudges.

Just now, I couldn't help but burst into laughter in the middle of things. From now on, during training, I'm sure this beautiful instructor will give me a hard time and deliberately try to make my life difficult.

But, now.

There's another unlucky soul about to face a hurricane of revenge.

I'll let your mouth run, and see how it ends for you.

Many trainees instinctively distanced themselves from Li Nanfang at this moment.

In the middle of the training ground, a man and a woman stood facing each other for a long time.

At first, Li Nanfang was quite dismissive.

No matter what this woman's identity is in the training base, nor where she learned her skills of controlling her aura.

As she herself said, she was a woman.

There is no woman in the world who can beat Li Nanfang.

Well, Xue Xinghan can't be considered a woman, she's just a shrew.

Also, Yang Xiao—Li Nanfang didn't know she was a woman.

Then there's nothing left!

Li Nanfang absolutely denies that there is another woman named Shen Qingwu who has ever brought him immense power.

At that time, he was unprepared and without the Black Dragon's assistance. Shen Qingwu suddenly seized the opportunity, forcefully pinning him with her hand around his neck. It was pure coincidence.

Given a chance to fight face-to-face, Li Nanfang believed that with Hei Long's help, he could absolutely thrash Shen Qingwu until she was left battered and bruised.

And like Shen Qingwu, a woman so captivating, there will never be another like her in this world.

So, the Su Ci in front of them didn't even need Heilong Fu Li, Li Nanfang would keep her beaten into a pathetic mess.

This woman better swallow her pride just now and be submissive, or else, I'll definitely make her lose even more face.

Li Nanshan's series of psychological hints were unspoken, but he clearly expressed the past to Su Ci through his eyes.

He was sure Su Ci had understood his thoughts.

But the result was totally unexpected.

Su Ci just curled the corner of his mouth and sneered faintly: "Looking for death!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman made a sudden move.

A beautiful female instructor and a handsome student actually came to blows.

Like the nympho auntie, please collect everyone: () The nympho auntie updates the!"If Miss Duan Si hadn't sprained her ankle, she would definitely have rushed over right now, pulled Shen Yun off his brother-in-law, and slapped him hard, best to throw him into the chasm and brea...