The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 466: The Great Meeting of Fallen Leaves


Ye Fan might see through his intentions.And the man in glasses and the pretty boy saw that strong brother's appearance, they both sank to the bottom of their hearts at once.Look at how Gang Ge's flat...Out of desperation, the Ye family, in order to preserve the overall situation, expelled Ye Wu Dao from the family. After being freed from restrictions, Ye Wu Dao, despite having no hope of victory, used his own methods to gradually bring down the Mo family, thus saving his comrades. After that incident, the Mo family completely fell into decline. Some people who had originally supported the Mo family took the opportunity to add insult to injury. The former glory of the Mo family was thus lost forever. Now only the Mo Lao faction remains.

History is so similar. After Ye Wudao's retreat, his grandson, Ye Fan, rose to prominence, once again creating a scene reminiscent of the past. It was just not as exaggerated as when Ye Wudao was around; he only caused the destruction of several families in Linhai City.

And today, all the people present were the descendants of families who had fallen into ruin over the years due to conflicts with the Ye family. They banded together, hoping to take revenge through their collective power.

Mr. Mo talked about some things on top, and particularly described some things about Ye Fan. Although everyone had received Ye Fan's information before, the information was very simple. This time, Mr. Mo obtained more information about Ye Fan through his special channels.

This includes information about his background as a member of the Dragon's Tooth, and some of the operations he participated in. Everyone wants to use this to gain a more detailed understanding of Ye Fan.

Therefore, knowing oneself and one's enemy means never being in peril after a hundred battles. When facing the new generation of the Ye family, they chose a more cautious attitude. Ye Wudao valued affection and righteousness, and his whole life was ruined because of it. As the era's war god, coupled with the Ye family's cultivation, if everything had developed smoothly, Ye Wudao would at least be the second person in China now, and the first person would be the number one leader holding a symbolic position.

While this position is still held by a member of the Ye family, their influence pales in comparison to that of Ye Wudao.

As for Ye Fan's father, he is still serving in the military, but the two rarely see each other. Basically, these years Ye Fan has lived with Ye Wu Dao.

Ye Wudao's ultimate achievement is the King of Soldiers, while Ye Fan's achievement is Longya, a member of the country's most confidential organization. Therefore, the means that Ye Fan may be able to display in the future makes these people have to deal with caution.

Lao Mo analyzed all the information he had gathered about Ye Fan through various channels in depth, including Ye Fan's some living habits and his personality traits. Afterward, Lao Mo turned off the projector and still didn't sit down.

Looking around at everyone, Mo Lao took a deep breath and then spoke, "There is one more piece of news, which you should all want to hear."

Seeing Mo Lao's rare display of excitement, everyone was eager to know what good news could make even Mo Lao so moved.

Just then, Lao Mo spoke.

“With the Hangzhou Lu family joining us, Qingbang's leader Nangong Wentian also agreed to join forces with us.” Mo Lao watched as a hint of joy appeared on everyone's faces and continued, "Besides, I have met with Yan Lao and Xia Lao from Beijing, and they will also provide support to our boss in the operation to destroy Ye.”

When Mo Lao finished speaking, everyone present changed color, or rather, their faces all wore expressions of wild laughter.

Although the organization has achieved success in business and politics over the past eight years by uniting their forces, they are still far too weak to seek revenge compared to the Ye family, which has protected China for over half a century.

That kind of comparison is like that between an elephant and an ant.

But now, with the Green Gang joining in and with the support of the Yan family and Xia family, things might be different.

Let's talk about the Green Gang first. As the absolute ruler of China's underground world, they have unimaginable power. Over the past few decades, the Green Gang has always pursued an internationalization strategy, with businesses and influence in Canada, the United States, and Southeast Asia.

This is just the surface. Behind the Qing gang are countless interest groups, including local families, gangs from various regions, and many political and military officials in China. This forms a dense web of interests. If it were just the Qing gang, it wouldn't be so formidable. What's truly powerful is this web of interests.

Speaking of the Yan family, as a prominent family that existed during the same period as the Ye family, they survived numerous calamities and grew stronger. They rose to prominence several times, holding significant influence at the pinnacle of power in China. Especially the current head of the Yan family, Yan Xiaoti, is the third most powerful figure in China. The Yan family has numerous disciples across various provinces, and their members hold important positions in numerous crucial departments, forming a vast political network that spans from top to bottom. Based on their overall strength, the Yan family is currently considered the most influential family in China.

However, the Yan family's power has always been in the political sphere. Although they also attempted to infiltrate the military, the Ye family firmly controlled the military, leaving no room for the Yan family to intervene.

There is also the Xia family, a truly ancient lineage. Having survived the turbulent years, they have gradually released their immense potential. Moreover, the Xia family primarily invests in commerce, collaborating with numerous major corporations both domestically and internationally. Their domestic investments are equally substantial, extending their reach across the globe.

Xia Jia's willingness to support the Ye Destruction Organization might be due to the Yan family.

In the Xia Dynasty, doing business basically meant politics and commerce intertwined. The rapid development of the Xia family was inseparable from the resource support provided by the Yan family in the background. Therefore, the Xia family can be considered a vassal family of the Yan family.

Now that both families are supporting him, it's no wonder Mo Lao is so excited. It seems everyone can see that the day Ye family will be destroyed is just around the corner.

Will the Ye family be destroyed

Can you

After the meeting, Lao Mo led everyone into the dining room at the back of the conference room. Inside, numerous beautiful waitresses had already set up a sumptuous feast.

As for Old Mo and the others' meeting, Ye Fan was unaware of it. At this time, he had already fallen asleep with his aunt in his arms. After several battles in a row, both of them were exhausted. His aunt was like an unsatisfied young wife, repeatedly asking him for...

His legs went weak, and his little brother could no longer stand.

In the peaceful night, danger lurks once again, and a turbulent current surges forth. If the previous family turmoil was an appetizer, then the Ye Clan Annihilation Organization that Ye Fan faces this time will be his main course. In this battle for life and death, who will ultimately prevail

How many more secrets are hidden within this secret

Nobody can see it!

At this time, the meeting on the island was continuing. Because several new members had been admitted and they had received external assistance, Lao Mo seemed a bit excited.

He even fantasized, one day he would trample the Ye family under his feet.

Can you is particularly good. The olive green short-sleeved shirt, it's already great if she can button it up.She had arms exposed, not the kind of porcelain-like whiteness that you'd expect from a modern ci...