The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 783 Can You Live How Long (Part 2)


scene. Whenever Ye Fan dribbled the ball, her expression would shift slightly. There was a hint of confusion in her eyes. "Is he really Ye Fan Why is Dad so interested in him Does he know Dad" Countle...At this moment, Yan Wuque almost wanted to throw Tie Xiong directly into the water to feed the fish, but he held back this impulse. Instead, he put on a concerned face and said, "How do you feel Are you alright"

Iron Bear panted, as if even breathing was difficult. He persevered, finishing his words, "...Captain... I... I want to use Agent Number Ten..."

When she heard about reagent number ten, Bai She's body trembled. Yan Wu Que remained composed, stopping Tie Xiong's words with a gesture. "Treat the wound first, we can talk about the rest later." Then turning to Bai She, "Help him to the base's S-class intensive care unit."

The S-class intensive care unit of the base, is a place that only monsters would go to. Inside is the most advanced No. 10 reagent ever developed on this base. To date, no one who has entered the S-class intensive care unit has survived.

But the men of the Ninth Regiment knew that anyone who entered there and came out alive was utterly transformed, like being reborn.

Because he used reagent number ten! This drug can stimulate human potential!

The white snake also knew little about this series of reagents. They were said to have been researched by a person called Dr. L, somewhat similar to Liu He, but with a greater effect. Of course, the side effects were also several times that of Liu He. Therefore, few people in the base used them.

These reagents have a long history in the Ninth Squad. Since the establishment of the Ninth Squad, they have researched from No. 1 to No. 9, but all were failures. Therefore, so far, no one in the Ninth Squad has been able to survive for more than three days using these reagents.

But these volunteers who voluntarily used these research reagents, before they died after taking the reagent, the explosive power they showed was astonishing, almost like invincible monsters!

Not only did they endure the attacks without feeling pain, but their strength was boundless and inexhaustible, never tiring. These were monsters, invincible monsters!

If these people were exposed in front of outsiders, it would definitely cause a stir. And if the Ninth Legion had several such monsters, then its overall strength would be elevated to another level.

It's a pity that everyone who uses this reagent in experiments dies within three days without exception. After three days, they become ill inexplicably and doctors can't find any cause.

And now, Dr. L, after three years of intensive research, has finally developed a drug that can activate ninety percent of human potential, which is Agent No. 10. And after use, it is theoretically possible to survive for half a year or even longer. However, so far, no one has tested it, so this technology has not been widely used in the Ninth Squad.

So when Bai She heard that the captain ordered Tie Fu to go to the s-class intensive care unit, her body visibly trembled. However, she quickly recovered. The captain's orders were something she had no power to oppose.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the S-level intensive care unit. Yan Wujue led Tie Xiong and opened the heavy door. Inside was vast, boundless, with medical equipment everywhere. This was Yan Wujue's secret laboratory. He had put a lot of effort into this laboratory, and just the startup capital was an astronomical figure that would shock anyone.

When Yan Wuque and Tie Xiong fully entered the laboratory, the door slowly closed again, leaving Bai She outside, waiting patiently for their return. She wasn't qualified to enter inside; the secrets involved were too sensitive. Aside from the captain, no one else in the base was allowed access to this area.

Trespassers will be killed!

Hearing footsteps behind him, Dr. l gracefully turned in his swivel chair. When he saw his investor, a smile spread across his face. He stood up and opened his arms, exclaiming excitedly: "My master, welcome back. Please inspect the fruits of your most steadfast servant's labor."

Dr. L is a middle-aged white American man, and he and Yan Wuque are not master and servant, just that Yan Wuque is his investor. He habitually calls him "Master."

Dr. L was a research fanatic who could spend days and nights in the lab without sleep. A high-achiever from MIT, he was bought over by Yan Wuque at a hefty price. Normally, an intellectual like Dr. L would disdain being a private researcher for one person, but Yan Wuque gave him enough reason. Yan Wuque agreed to let him develop a potential-enhancing drug that had been strictly prohibited by the state!

Because the side effects of these types of drugs are too severe, few people survive after using them, so they have been banned worldwide.

However, Dr. L was wholeheartedly devoted to the research of these types of drugs, so he came to the Ninth Detachment. Yan Wuxue built a special S-class intensive care unit for him, specifically for the research of these drugs. And Dr. L did not disappoint. He has finally developed the latest tenth profit!

Ye Wuque opened his arms and enthusiastically embraced Dr. L, a gesture of courtesy in the US. However, Ye Wuque wasn't fond of it because Dr. L spent most of his time in this laboratory, often working continuously for days or even nights without showering. He inevitably had a peculiar smell that he didn't seem to notice, but for someone as meticulous as Ye Wuque, it was utterly repulsive.

After quickly embracing Dr. L, Yan Wuque got straight to the point: "How is research on Agent No. 10 progressing"

Upon hearing someone mention his most cherished and latest research achievement in front of him, Dr. l’s face beamed with longing, and he excitedly declared: “My dear master, your servant reports to you that after your servant's painstaking research, the latest model No. 10 reagent has finally been born! The No. 10 reagent, theoretically speaking, can achieve over ninety percent of potential development!”

Dr. l clenched his fists, wishing he could immediately demonstrate the effect of this reagent to Yan Wuque.

"What about the side effects" Yan Wuque was most concerned about this.

Dr. L, though initially brimming with excitement, now wore a grim expression. "This is the part that really gets to me," he sighed. "Even with Sample No. 10, we haven't been able to solve the issue of side effects. It's a constant thorn in my side..."

Dr. l's face twisted with anguish.

"How long can a person live" Yan Wu asked eagerly.lued efficiency the most, and time was equivalent to their life. That's why he came to the Si Kong Group so quickly. Ye Fan didn't find it strange at all.And this Xiao Quan Yifu, after arriving at the...