The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 974: Dark Night Corps


t-ranking members of the Nanlong Gang. You could say they aren't even official members of the Nanlong Gang. Usually, they follow those big brothers and bully small merchants, extorting protection mon..."Qian Mian Zhenjun is currently nowhere to be found. Did he find you" Duan Changchun stared intently at Hua Jie.

Hua Jie's brow furrowed slightly, she pondered and said: "Qian Mian Zhenjun is indeed an extremely capable person. First, he secretly dealt with He Tiesheng of the Qingyi Society, and then he got rid of Zhang Qianqiu. He actually maneuvered in Linhai City under two identities at the same time. It's a pity that no matter how secretive he was, I eventually discovered him."

“I've been secretly observing this man these days, and I find his movements erratic and unpredictable. Most importantly, he has close ties with the leader. Now, whether it's his alias He Tiesheng or Zhang Qianqiu, both have appeared in public recently. I suspect that he already knows my intentions to get close to him, which is why he chooses to hide.”

When it comes to this Thousand-Faced True Monarch, Hua Jie's face rarely shows a trace of fear.

Hearing what Huaji said, everyone fell silent again.

Qian Mian Zhenjun is a skilled member of the organization, most adept at various forms of makeup. It is said that he can disguise himself as anyone he has ever met, perfectly imitating their voice and mannerisms. This is why he earned the title of "Qian Mian Zhenjun," meaning "Thousand Faces True Monarch."

But so far, no one has ever heard of anyone who has seen his true face, because those who have seen his true face are no longer in this world.

He is an outlier within the organization, and for some reason, he has come to Huaxia Country in recent years and has been close with Huaxia Country's leader. If he helps the leader, their chances of winning against Changchun will be significantly reduced.

Then, now there's only hope left in the War God.

I hope he can clean up these demons and monsters for me. God of War, please don't let me down.

After much deliberation, Duan Changchun suddenly tilted his cup and drained the wine in one gulp.

"Since that's the case, we'll proceed according to the original plan. That Bai Feng must be eliminated as soon as possible."

Since you've already bet on Kratos, then you should clear some obstacles for him.

"Night Wolf, I'll leave this to you. Any problems" Duan Changchun said to the middle-aged man behind him.

The Night Wolf stepped out, his voice deep and resolute: "I guarantee completion of the mission." Yet, in his eyes, a glint flashed like that of a wolf.

When Xia Quan Yif and Hua Jie saw Ye Lang taking action himself, their eyes widened in shock. Ye Lang was Duan Changchun's personal bodyguard, having served him for ten years. In those ten years, countless elite warriors had fallen at his hands. Ye Lang's combat power was unimaginable.

If the Night Wolves make a move, it'll only be a matter of time before they take down Bai Feng.

Mr. Duan Changchun is finally going to make a move. Xiao Quan Yifu and the others are all clenching their fists secretly. This time, the rebel organization was truly out of options, but they had no way out. The God of War, they bet everything on him. Will he succeed or fail

At this time, Ye Fan, who was driving at high speed, was unaware that a trap was being quietly set for him.

Jiang Xue's driving skills are not to be underestimated. Under Ye Fan's urging, she actually dared to drive her car to its top speed and appeared at Nanguo Garden in less than five minutes.

But she was soon going to be overtaken, Ye Fan saw from afar, while TuTu had already stopped in a corner, smoking alone.

Ye Fan didn't let Jiang Xue come along. Instead, he went alone to meet Tutu, but their meeting was very short, no more than a minute. Ye Fan explained in a few words and then got back into Jiang Xue's car.

But Tutu had already started his car. The roar of the engine echoed as his car shot out like a rocket, disappearing from sight in the blink of an eye.

Ye Fan cursed under his breath, this kid, he's actually good at street racing too. He even dared to max out the speed in the city.

"You finished so quickly" Jiang Xue looked at Ye Fan curiously. Didn't this man just say he had important things to deal with

Ye Fan glanced at her and said, "Yeah, what's the problem"

Jiang Xue shook her head. This man always had an aura that was impossible to pin down. She would have to get to the bottom of him someday.

"Where to now" Jiang Xue drove aimlessly on the street.

"Sleep." Ye Fan said bluntly. He had tossed and turned all day, so he didn't really get much rest.

“Oh.” Jiang Xue nodded, then didn’t say anything more. The car then shot out suddenly.

Although Ye Fan only met Tutu for less than a minute, he felt like he had told him everything he wanted to say.

Throughout the entire time, Tutu just listened silently, not saying a single word, not even bothering to interject with a question.

When Ye Fan asked if he had any questions, Tutu just shook his head and then parted ways with Ye Fan.

Ye Fan could only smile wryly. This maniac, talking to him was truly a painful experience.

In fact, Ye Fan only gave TuTu two things. The first thing was to ask TuTu to go to the Extraordinary Group to find someone named Huang Amo and ask him to secretly establish a special action team.

The team size should not be too large, temporarily limited to ten people, but the members must take care of themselves and ensure they have good physical conditions and overall qualities.

Ye Fan, of course, gave TuTu his own token. He believed that Huang Mao's faction would definitely cooperate with TuTu wholeheartedly after seeing it.

While from TuTu's perspective, Ye Fan didn't doubt at all whether the people he chose were qualified. And as someone who came from the Dark Phantom himself, he believed he had a good understanding of these kinds of training.

Ye Fan knew the pain and exhaustion of training new recruits. He definitely didn't have time to do it himself, so he could only ask Tututu to do it. This was also the reason why Ye Fan only needed ten people now.

Ye Fan established these special action teams because he deeply felt the crisis. The situation in Linhai City was complex, and many things needed capable people to handle them. Although Fatty unconditionally helped him, Fatty was ultimately just one person, and his identity was relatively sensitive, so there were many times when he couldn't intervene.

Ye Fan himself wasn't afraid, but the people around him had to consider it. From Shan Shan and Lin Bingyue being attacked repeatedly, Ye Fan felt that it was very necessary to establish a special action team with strong capabilities.

And this squad of ten was called the Night Squad.

This was the first thing, TuTu heard Ye Fan explained to him after this matter, his face didn't wrinkle at all, he agreed. Ye Fan naturally knew the difficulty of this matter, but Ye Fan didn't tell TuTu about it. For now, this is also a helpless measure.least her face on top of the bed was pretty standard. He looked again at Xiao Si kneeling on the ground. This guy rolled off the bed fast, he didn't even have time to put his clothes on. And the pisto...