The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1011: The Car is Gone


, why didn't you let her come over""Kids don't know anything." Li Shiyu turned her head and glared at Li Qiang, then said to Li Yishan and the others: "Second brother, come with me. Here, let Shanshan..."This car had its alarm on just now, how come it's not going off anymore" Ye Fan circled the car several times, still not understanding.

Huang Ama slapped Huang Xia Ya's back and scolded, "Big brother, I'm asking you a question, did you hear me"

"Yes, yes, yes," but Ye Fan could still see the triumphant expression on Huang Xiaoya's face. He got out of the car and pulled out a miniature pair of scissors from somewhere, placing them in front of Ye Fan and saying mysteriously, "Big brother, what do you think this is"

"Damn it, you little brat, are you ever going to stop If you dare play coy again, I swear I'll knock out two more of your yellow teeth," Huang Amo said menacingly.

I don't know, what's wrong between him and Huang Xiaoya.

Huang Xiaoya was clearly afraid of Huang Amo, so she stated directly: “I was circling the car just now to find the exact location of its alarm system. Then I used this pair of scissors that can cut through gold and jade to cut the wires on the alarm system, which is why it took so long.”

Hearing him finish, Ye Fan finally felt relieved. At the same time, he was quite satisfied with Huang Xiaoya's skills. In such a short amount of time, he was able to disable the car's alarm system and start the car with just a wire. It seemed that this "thief who has conquered the world" wasn't undeserved.

Given his level, he could probably make it into the Dragon Fang unit with ease. He certainly seems to be a talented individual, but he's just a little too underhanded.

"Well, very good," Ye Fan was indeed sincere in his praise. He never hesitated to compliment others.

Hearing Big Brother praise him in front of everyone, Huang Xiaoya's face became even more flushed with pride. He said boisterously, "What's this, I'm not bragging, as long as I have enough time to decipher it, I can even get an airplane and a cannon running."

Look at him now, so proud and smug. He's riding high.

But before he could finish his words, Huang Amao kicked him down with one foot. Huang Amao was furious. My brother Amao hadn't even had a chance to show off in front of Big Brother, but you, you just kept stealing my limelight all day long.

Huang Ama smiled and said to Ye Fan, "Big brother, it's not just Huang Ya that kid who can do it. The ten members of the Night Squad I chose are all absolute masters. That skinny little guy, called Shou Shu, don't look at him as having a few pounds of meat, but he's actually very powerful."

“His eyes could see small characters ten meters away at night, and his ears could hear whispers from a hundred meters away. In the building he lived in, every night he eavesdropped on people doing that. He couldn't sleep without that sound every night, hahahahaha.”

And what's most amazing is that he can mimic other people's voices. As long as he's heard the sound, he can imitate it perfectly. If you don't listen carefully, you wouldn't even realize it was someone else impersonating.

Huang Amo seemed to be boasting about his own abilities as he spoke, spitting and gesticulating wildly. "And there's that fat guy, nicknamed Fatty Cat, he's a real genius, you wouldn't believe it! His amazing skill is...his huge stomach! He can eat ten bowls of rice in one go, a walking rice bucket, haha!"

Huang Amao spoke with increasing pride, while Ye Fan secretly smiled wryly in his heart. Well, his Night Squad had truly become a troupe of performers, with all sorts of talents inside.

These people are indeed all masters of their respective crafts. Some are incredibly skilled at insults, some have quick wit and endless schemes, some are unparalleled in their drinking abilities, and others are experts in poisons.

The Night Troops are indeed full of talent. It's just that none of them know martial arts. That means that any single soldier in the Ninth Assault Team could kill them with a single finger.

"They're so powerful, how did you manage to get them" Ye Fan looked at Huang Amo with some surprise.

Huang Amao smirked proudly and said, “It’s simple, because I’m a talent too! I’m the little gambling god of this industry. Each one of them owes me several million. Do they dare not listen to me Hehe hehehe.”

Ye Fan was speechless. He realized he was actually the eldest among these talented individuals.

I thought Huang Amo would help me find some unique talent, but it turns out they're not that great. Ah well, there's no other choice but to pin my hopes on Tutu now.

"Tu Tu, do you have any confidence in molding them into truly capable individuals"

Ye Fan looked at Tu Tu and said. Ye Fan believed that Tu Tu could understand his meaning. Now, what Ye Fan needed most was combat power. Only those with a certain level of combat power could be considered true talents.

Tu Tu rarely broke into a sinister smile and said, "Yes."

Ye Fan then felt a little more at ease. TuTu came from the Dark Ghost, so he must be skilled in training. Having her say this gave Ye Fan some comfort.

How long

In a short while, Yan Wujue and his Ninth Legion will arrive at Linhai. I wonder if Tutu can catch up before they arrive and give herself a surprise.

Tu Tu extended a finger and said, "One month, regional training exercises."

Ye Fan didn't know what kind of training this regional training course was, but since he said it so firmly, he believed that this kind of training must be extremely brutal, and it was even more intense than the training courses he had experienced in Longya back then.

Ye Fan nodded and said to Huang Amao and the others: "Have you heard There is only one month of training time. I won't say much about the difficulty of transforming all of you, you figure it out yourselves. If anyone wants to quit now, they can still do it."

Before Ye Fan could speak, Huang Amao loudly declared: “Absolutely not quitting!”

Those who owed him money behind him all shouted in unison, “No, we will not leave!”

"Not bad." Ye Fan nodded. No matter what, his Night Force was finally assembled. As for whether these people could actually make it work, it depended on their own fate.

As Ye Fan was lost in thought, a woman's voice suddenly rang out from behind him, "Don't move, raise your hands!"

Ye Fan was taken aback, then turned his head back and saw a face full of coldness, but it was a face that captivated the country.

After seeing this woman, Ye Fan couldn't help but smile. With a playful tone, he said: "Director Bai, we really are destined to meet. I didn't expect to see you here."

Bai Feng was also somewhat surprised looking at Ye Fan. She had been keeping an eye on Ye Fan's every move and even arranged for Xue Xue to find dirt on him, but that girl Xue Xue turned traitor and now disappeared who knows where.

Today she was off work. She had originally planned to go for a walk in the park with her family, and even drove her own car specifically for this purpose. However, in the blink of an eye, she discovered that her car was gone.that had plagued the Shen family. Knowing this, the members of the Shen family were overjoyed and showered her with love and protection, which earned her the title of "South Korean Princess."Similarly...