The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1535: Why Shouldn't Big Brother-in-Law Touch Me


eins popped out on his forehead, like a furious lion.In fact, Ye Fan had already heard of the Bloodthirsty Lion's name. When the old man left the capital, he also warned him that this Bloodthirsty Lio...Many people say that it takes a lifetime for men to mature, while women only need one night.

As someone who had always lived in a greenhouse, Duan Lingxing matured all at once one night.

If this had happened in the past, Miss Duan Si would have been held by a strange man, his salty pig's hand wandering back and forth on her slender waist and bouncing buttocks, going deeper and deeper until it reached the base of her thigh—but she simply bit her lips hard, then raised her head and smiled sweetly: "Brother-in-law, don't you think it's too much to tease me like this"

"Too much"

Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment and said, “I heard you with my own ears in Room No. 7 of the Canglong Mountain Villa when you told Li Nanfang that he had touched you there seventy-eight times. Both he and I are your brother-in-law. He can touch you seventy or eighty times, and you don't get angry once. I just want to touch you a couple of times, but you say I’m being over the line. Hmph, we're both brothers-in-law, why are you treating us differently No way, I have to touch you a few times.”

Yang Xiao, somewhat angry, said as he reached out and patted Duan Xinxing several times where he had just been hit . Only then did he retract his hand contentedly, a lewd smile on his face: “Ha, ha ha, I didn't expect that you, with your fish-like small stature, would actually be so full there. It seems that you have great potential to grow up into a woman like Duan Xiangning, plump and seductive.”

If looks could kill!

Duan Xing could guarantee that Yang Xiao had died at least eight hundred times.

It's a pity that one's gaze cannot kill. No matter how much resentment Duan Xiangning harbored, she had to grit her teeth and endure when faced with this "rogue" whom she was powerless against.

This is enough to prove that Duan Xing has matured.

Seeing Yang Xiao rubbing his fingers, as if savoring the good feel, Duan Lingxing hurriedly chimed in, "You, big brother-in-law, I have a question to ask you."

"Ask anything. I know everything and can tell you anything. Just ask."

Yang Xiao thought she was becoming more and more intelligent, her schemes deeper and deeper. Otherwise, how could she have added that sentence at the end

Duan Xing was unconcerned. She simply smiled sweetly again and said, "Big brother-in-law, I want to know what benefits I get from having you as my brother-in-law."

Yang Xiao sounded a bit strange: "For me to be your brother-in-law is already giving you immense face. You're asking for something so trivial from me"

The hell would I want to be your brother-in-law Give me some face!

If I weren't afraid you'd mistreat Miss Duan again, I wouldn't waste my time talking nonsense with you here.

After cursing a few insults under his breath, Duan Zixing put on a pitiful expression: "Folklore says that a sister-in-law's...half, half of that...belongs to her brother-in-law. This proves that the sister-in-law is also half of the brother-in-law's wife. Although it's only half, even as a half husband, you should give her some face, right"

"Well, you make a good point."

Yang Xiao pondered for a moment, pinching his chin with his right hand and looking towards the east where the first rays of dawn were beginning to appear. He tapped his toes, lifting the conical hat that Duan Xing had pulled over here.

That hat, as if it had eyes, settled steadily on his head.

Even when covered by the black veil, that handsome face made Duan Ling sigh softly: "Sigh, big brother-in-law, you're so handsome, I can't get enough of looking at you. Why cover yourself up"

The better things are, the harder they are to come by.

Yang Xiao replied with a philosophical remark, then walked back and forth with his hands behind his back, asking, "Come on, what do you want"

I want to know the history of that metal plate.

Duan's eyes flickered, and he said, "Why do you say that if I get it, disaster will befall me"

Under the throne of Emperor Xuanyuan in the blazing valley, there are six paths. Each path has an iron plaque inscribed with the words "Heaven, Human, Asura, Animal, Hungry Ghost, and Hell."

Each one represents a path in the Six Paths of Samsara, each with its own unique mission and meaning.

Inside the Six Paths Iron Plate, what mysteries were hidden—Yang Xiao didn't know.

Since the passing of Emperor Xuanyuan over eighty years ago, a strict order was left behind: no one within the Lièyàn Valley could learn the secret techniques of the Xuanmen except for the Grand Elder. As a result, many things and events have been shrouded in a thick mist, their true nature forever lost to time.

So when Duan Xingzhi put forward this question, Yang Xiao fell silent for a moment before slowly shaking his head: "As for that, I don't know either. But I do know that this thing is definitely not something ordinary people can possess. Otherwise, the Shen family in Hancheng wouldn't have enshrined it beside that black hole centuries ago. And the giant python killed by Li Nanfang seemed to have never dared to touch this thing either. Duan Xingzhi, do you think you are more powerful than a giant python"

His segmented body trembled slightly, and he shook his head hastily.

Yang Xiao's explanation, though it still didn't make her clear about the origins of this iron plaque, led her to think that this thing had been enshrined underground for many years.

Anything placed in such a place and venerated for many years, even an ordinary object, will surely be imbued with some spiritual essence.

or perhaps even sinister.

Duan Xing couldn't guarantee, given her current miserable fate, that she could control this thing.

It was taken by Yang Xiao, just in time.

At times, Duan Xing had a sense of unease, but he was unaware that Yang Xiao's heart wasn't at peace either.

Her unease stemmed from what Shen Mingqing had said to her.

When Yang Xiao was in the monitoring room, she originally wanted to go downstairs and take the Iron Plaque of the Animal Path, but Shen Mingqing told her that there was no need for her to do it herself, as someone would naturally help her take it out.

At that time, Yang Xiao still asked if it was Li Nanfang

Shen Mingqing shook his head and said no.

Then Yang Xiao asked again, "Is it Duan Xiangning"

Shen Mingqing shook his head and said no.

Who is that

Just when Yang Xiao was getting impatient, Shen Mingqing said it was his niece.

Yang Xiao must have found it strange, so he asked Shen Mingqing how she knew it was her niece who took the iron plate out.

Shen Mingqing replied that this was what he calculated.

Hundreds of years ago, the masters of the Six Paths under Emperor Xuan's throne were all experts in Xuanmen, able to calculate and predict things—but since over eighty years ago, when Emperor Xuan decreed that no one should delve into these matters, no one in Lieyan Valley besides the Great Elder could do so anymore.

On the contrary, the three paths of Humanity, Asura, and Beast, who betrayed Emperor Xuan Yuan centuries ago, are not bound by this decree.

Betrayal Xuanyuan Wang was afraid of being pursued, hiding from all sorts of people in the Human and Animal Paths. The masters of both paths also, with the passage of time, no longer took this seriously – the Human Path had completely abandoned the Xuanmen lineage, and by the time it reached Shen Mingqing, the Animal Path was only a shadow of its former self.

Instead, he changed his name and hid in the lowest level of Asura's path in India, always passing down the lineage of Xuanmen. That's why Bosata Man could see the dark calamity star entering the world like a great elder from celestial phenomena. If it were to be found by Emperor Xuanyuan, the world would surely suffer greatly. Therefore, he immediately traveled to China to eliminate Li Nanfang.

As someone who only superficially learned the esoteric teachings of his ancestors, Shen Mingqing was naturally far from being comparable to Baoshu Man.

But he could calculate that Duan Ling would be the one to take the iron medal.

Shen Mingqing told Yang Xiao this because he hoped she would get the hint and stay far away from Room No. 7.

If Yang Xiao went to room number seven, even if Shen Mingqing had ten times the courage and skill, he wouldn't stand a chance against Li Nanfang.

Yang Xiao believed Shen Mingqing's words out of curiosity.

She just wanted to see if Shen Mingqing's calculations were accurate.

It doesn't matter if it's not accurate, anyway she already knows that the iron plaque of the animal path is in the Shen family in Han City. Then just ask the Shen family for it.

If the Shen family doesn't comply— Yang Xiao has absolute confidence that he can make the Shen family in Hancheng, a clan of over a thousand people, completely wiped out.

Thus, Yang Xiao leisurely left Canglong Mountain, coming here to rest in advance and wait for Duan Xing's arrival.

As for what will happen to Li Nanfang, neither Shen Mingqing nor Yang Xiao mentioned it.

As if he were non-existent.

Perhaps, in Yang Xiao's subconscious, he had long believed that this fellow could only die at her hands, and even Heaven itself would not dare to harm him in the slightest.

In fact, as Shen Mingqing said, Yang Xiao did indeed see Duan Xing and found the Tiepai of Xisheng Dao from her.

"This is what I regret: 'The Burning Valley should not have abandoned the magical heritage of Xuanmen. Even a useless person like Shen Mingqing can calculate so accurately. With my intelligence, couldn't I calculate everything that will happen within the next five hundred years"

Just as Yang Xiao felt pity and regret in his heart, the eastern dawn grew increasingly bright.

Sky, dawn will soon arrive.

A new day, and it's time to begin again.

As Yang Xiao slowly lifted his head, Duan Xing again spoke: “Uncle, you’re so powerful, could you take me to Canglong Mountain It's almost dawn, and my sister-in-law and Xiangning haven't come out yet.”


Yang Xiao's answer was concise.

Duan Xing asked, "Why"

“Because I’m leaving soon. Niece, before I leave, let me make you another promise. Remember, I can go kill someone for you. No matter who you want dead, and no matter who they are, they will be finished. Hehehe, anyone who dares to anger my Yang Xiao's niece is courting death.”

Amidst some grating chuckles, Yang Xiao, clad in black, vanished like a ghost scurrying back to its lair before it could be called out. He flashed a few times like black smoke and disappeared from Duan Lingxing's sight.

"You say kill who I kill - kind of fool talk, will I believe Cut it out! Think I'm an idiot What if I tell you to kill yourself You wouldn't agree, would you"

Raising his hand to rub his eyes, Duan Lingxing only let out a long sigh of relief after confirming that the terrifying "big brother-in-law" had truly disappeared into the forest. He then curled his lips in disdain.

After his unpredictable brother-in-law finally left, Duan Lingxing's mood completely relaxed. Only then did he feel weak all over and just wanted to lie on the ground, not caring about anything, wanting to sleep until he turned over a new leaf.

Even if she weren't a little girl, even if she were a big burly man like a bear spirit, after experiencing so many dangers in dozens of hours, they would still feel the same way she does now.

"Brother-in-law, why aren't you here yet"

Duan Yizheng slowly trudged back to the large rock, yawned, sat down, hugged his knees, and stared blankly at the water surface, murmuring, "I've been taken advantage of. It's not my fault though, that Yang Xiao is simply inhuman—"

Muttering to himself, Duan Lingxing felt his eyelids growing heavier and heavier.

Several times, she wanted to open her eyes and force herself to stay awake waiting for Li Nanzhang's arrival, but in the end, she still fell asleep soundly.

She had a dream.

In her dream, she returned to the happiness of being carried by her brother-in-law up Tiankeng.

Is it happiness, or sexual satisfaction


Anyway, Duan Zero Xing enjoys feeling the benefits of her brother-in-law's salty pig hands. He takes advantage without paying a dime.

Just as Duan Xing was counting again in his dream how many times he had been lightly touched, there came a splash—a sound from the surface of the river not far from the large stone.

Li Nanshan, shirtless, emerged from the rapidly receding riverbed after the tide went out, carrying Duan Xiangning's backside in his arms.

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