The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1536 She Doesn't Like Going Back to That House


the hell do you want from me" The fat man hung up angrily, it seemed that Long Si was getting more and more useless. He even bothered him with such trivial matters."Fatty, you're quite fiery today, ar...The time when Duan Xiangning's fragrance faded and jade was lost was still yesterday afternoon.

Although the distance traveled through the Tiankeng and then under the Canglong River was long and perilous, Li Nanshan's skills meant he should have been able to complete it in at most half a day.

But he only just came out, taking fifteen or sixteen hours.

No one knew what Li Nanfang had done or thought during this time.

Because even he doesn't know.

Just like a drunkard who had too much to drink, Li Nanfang was holding onto Duan Xiangning as they walked toward the black hole, his brain already scrambled.

Actually, it's not quite accurate to say "broken pieces."

It's likely that his mind, like a projector with malfunctioning reels, constantly flickers between two scenes. He replays them endlessly, back and forth.

One was the full moon, swaying gently as he opened his eyes in the morning.

One, was Duan Xiangning’s resolute attitude. With both hands gripping Li Mingdu's right hand, she forcefully pulled him to the right. Like a scarlet hibiscus blooming, blood stained Li Nanyang's entire world red.

Before the summer flowers bloomed, she shouted, “You can only be Li Nanfang. You have never been Ye Shen, or any other name!”


Li Nanfang now knew, more certain than ever that he could only be Li Nanfang, never Ye Shen, or any other name.

As Duan Xiang凝 blood splattered on the spot, under the romantic crimson moon, Li Nanfang initially shouldered heavy burdens, and after personally witnessing Hua Yexin's betrayal, his mental state collapsed, leading to a loss of memory. Like a flood rushing back, it swiftly filled all the blanks in his mind.

This made him remember everything that had ever happened.

I see that he is Li Nanfang.

He remembered even more that he lost his memory because he met Duan Xiangning.

He regained his lost memories, also because of Duan Xiangning.

Duan Xiangning, the woman who once succumbed to his tyranny, resisted in vain and was forced by her family's incompetence to deeply love this man, became a part of Li Nanfang's life that he could never forget — a memory he couldn't erase.

Perhaps, the moment she vanished from this world, she had already moved into Li Nanfang's heart.

Let love be your nest.

How he climbed down the chasm, how he squeezed into the underground river, and how he surfaced again, Li Nanfang could no longer remember.

He only knew he was holding a woman who was unfortunate and devoted.

No matter how she used to be, or how she forced herself to love him, and why she fell for him in the first place, it all doesn't matter anymore.

For Li Nanfang, the most important thing was that Duan Xiangning didn't want to die dragging him down.

When a woman, out of love for a man she has died for, is willing to die herself, then she has lived up to her love.

He should keep her firmly in his heart, remember that Han in the blood mist, the round moon rising slowly, never forget it until death.

No matter how heartbroken Li Nanfang was over Duan Xiangning's death, he wouldn't stay trapped in grief forever—that wasn't what Duan Xiangning would have wanted.

Duan Xiangning was willing to die for him, just so he could live a happy life.

He is happy, and she will be happy.

So when Li Nanfang held her up to the surface of the water and saw Duan Xing, bathed in the golden light of dawn, asleep there with a slight curve to his lips, he couldn't help but smile.

As he emerged from the water, he should cast all his sorrows into the river, letting them flow away with the current.

That was exactly what Duan Xiangning had hoped for.

Then Li Nanfang bowed his head and lightly kissed Duan Xiangning's pale lips that were tinged with a happy smile, before stepping onto the shore through the water and walking quickly ashore.

He did not disturb Duan Xing who was fast asleep, standing on the highest floor looking out.

He wanted to find a place with excellent feng shui to bury the woman he held in his heart.

He didn't want to bring her back to his home country.

Because he knew very well that Duan Xiangning had already lost all hope for the land that had given birth to and raised her.

Perhaps she would rather sleep eternally in this foreign land drenched in the blood of love.

When the golden dawn fully leaped over the eastern mountain peaks, Li Nanfang found the final resting place for Duan Xiangning.

That was a crack in the stone.

The crevices were deep and narrow, just barely wide enough for a person to fit through.

This fissure in the Canglong Mountain range, how it was formed, why it hasn't been used as a nest by wild birds over time, and why some small yellow flowers have grown inside, none of it matters anymore.

Moreover, Li Nanfang thought Duan Xiangning would probably love this place.

Like almost all women, she loves flowers.

It is currently the height of summer.

The back of Canglong Mountain, known as Bēikuíxū, is the widest expanse you'll find, stretching forty miles wide. From the base to its peak, it’s a dense forest filled with shrubs and countless wildflowers of every color imaginable.

It took Li Nanshan quite a bit of effort to pick these wildflowers and weave them into a fragrant "sleeping bag" that could blossom.

When the sun had risen three poles high, he finally breathed a satisfied sigh, shook his slightly sore neck, and stood up from the ground. Turning back,

Duan Xingzhi had already woken up.

I don't know when I woke up.

Just as Li Nanfang hadn't disturbed her when he came ashore, she didn't come over to disturb Li Nanfang who was weaving a sleeping bag, but knelt beside Duan Xiangning, silently tidying her clothes, appearance, and the loose strands of hair on her chest.

Tears are flowing.

A drop fell onto Duan Xiangning's pale face.

A droplet rolled into the little nook by Duan Xiangning's smiling lips, slowly spun around a bit, and stopped.

Li Nanfang walked over holding his sleeping bag and slowly crouched down beside her, also looking at Duan Xiangning.

Girls are born with a knack for makeup. Even using just the corner of her clothing and her fingers, Duan Lingxing could make Duan Xiangning's features look somewhat alluring and enchanting.

"She left, very happily."

Duan, with a quick flick of his tongue, wiped away the tears from the corner of his mouth and whispered.

Li Nanfang remained silent.

Although he knew very well that Duan Xing saw Duan Xiangning's beauty fade away, she did not scream nor cry out in anguish. Instead, she said that she left happily because she saw the happy smile on her lips— but Li Nanfang still felt that death, no matter how happy it was, was not as good as living.

Therefore, he remained silent for a long time before finally saying: "If she were alive, I would stay with her for the rest of my life and make her the happiest woman in the world."

"I also, I also want to become the happiest woman in the world."

Dan Yizhing bit his lip hard and looked up at him: "Brother-in-law, I used to tell myself a phrase many times."

Li Nanfang didn't ask her what she had said.

Duan Xing raised his hand, gently caressing his face: "You don't want to hear"

"I already know."

Li Nanfang shook his head, saying with some difficulty: "That's impossible."

"Why not"

Duanzing stared for a moment, then suddenly reached out and grabbed his shoulder, shaking him forcefully and hissed: "I just want to love you in place of Xiangning. Love you! Why is it impossible I, we have been close for so long, you touched me so many times, why not Why Speak up, speak!"

The more she urged Li Nanfang to speak, the less he spoke.

Duan Xing became increasingly angry as he spoke, and with a sudden slap, he struck her hard.

The slap sounded crisp.

Duan Zingxing used almost all his strength and punched Li Nanshan's left face, swelling it up.

Five distinct palm prints, and blood still lingered at the corner of his mouth.

Duan was stunned.

She was just angry that Li Nanfang didn't accept her, and only acted recklessly out of losing her temper.

But deep down, she never thought about hurting her brother-in-law even a hair.

After a stunned silence, Duan Lingxing trembled all over. He held Li Nanfang's face in both hands and asked in a hoarse voice, "Why...why didn't you dodge Why didn't you dodge"

Li Nanfang really wanted to say, he hoped she could slap him again.

The heavier, the better.

Only when he was slapped hard by the members of the Duan family would he feel a slight relief from the pain caused by Duan Xiangning's fading beauty and dwindling life.

But now he just didn't feel like talking.

Just as he didn't want to tell Duan Xing, he had already recovered his memory.

He knew he had a lot of trouble, and a lot of women.

Especially those high-ranking women, wanting to play with someone like Duan Lingxing, who is innocent and pure, would be incredibly easy.

More importantly, Li Nanshan is now vaguely aware that his future is uncertain.

If he knows there are so many troubles around him, and still accepts a pure and innocent love, then he is selfish, irresponsible, and even more sorry to Duan Xiangning.

Sometimes, saying no is the truest kindness.

Unfortunately, Duan Xing couldn't comprehend Li Nanfang's good intentions.

She was only immersed in the regret of how she could have been so diligent with her brother-in-law, so she suddenly lowered her head, hugged his neck, and kissed him frantically.

Her tender little tongue, countless times tried to pry open Li Nanshan's teeth, but all failed.

This made Duan Zero even more flustered, not knowing how to get his brother-in-law's forgiveness.

So, she raised her head and slapped herself hard.

Acting insane.

Just as her second slap was about to land on his face, Li Nanfang grabbed her wrist.

Duan, with tears streaming down her face, threw herself into his arms. “Brother-in-law,” she sobbed, “I just want to love you well, in Xiangning’s place. Why would you reject me”

"You are still young."

Li Nanfang spoke in a bitter voice, raising his head to say: "At most two more years, no, at most two more months, you will know how lucky it is to not like me. Xiangning is dead, I don't want to suffer such pain again."

"Brother-in-law, are you afraid that if you accept me, I will be envied by others"

Duang Xing raised his head from his arms, tears still streaming down his face.


Girls are made of water.

Whether it's pretending to be brave or pretending to be strong.

Li Nanfang, imitating her just-now diligence, held her small face in both hands and said softly, "You should go home."


Duàn Zīxīng was stunned for a moment, then realized something. He broke free from the man's grasp and turned his head back. He saw seven or eight people standing at the edge of the forest.

Upon seeing the white-haired old man, Duan Lingxing cried out in surprise, "It's Fu Bo!"

Mr. Fu, that old man beside Mr. Duan.

Fu Bo's position in the Duan family was very special.

Besides Old Duan, even his son, the second generation of Duans, couldn't arbitrarily command him.

In Duan's hazy memory, Fu Bo had never left Duanjiashan Villa, never left his grandfather, just like a shadow of the old man.

Now, he's here.

Fu Bo strode over, his gaze sweeping across Duan Xiangning's

and Duan Lingxing's faces before he respectfully addressed Li Nanfang: "Master, the old master instructed me to bring the two young ladies back. What is your opinion"

"Xiang Ning, probably doesn't like going back to Duan's family."

Li Nanfang looked at the flower-woven sleeping bag and said slowly, "I think she'd rather stay here."

"Uncle, if I absolutely have to take Miss Xiangning away"

Fu Bo's face remained calm: "After all, the Duan family is where she grew up. Besides, the Fourth Young Master should also hope that she returns."

Li Nanshan frowned and suddenly asked an irrelevant question: "How many people came with you this time"

Duanzing and the people around Fu Bo didn't know why Li Nanshan suddenly asked this question.

Ke Fu Bo's snow-white eyebrows trembled violently, then he quickly retreated.

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